Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream (and popsicles)

Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hello my friends, hope you are having a good week so far.  Mine is just eh....yesterday I had to say goodbye to another kitty at my Mom and sister's. Jesse was a kitten when my sister found him and his brother thrown away in a dumpster, due to his crappy start in life he had a lot of health issues, mostly it was neurological and allergies to everything. He was 11 years old and on Sunday night he either had a stroke or a seizure. Mom and Tina aren't sure and think he fell down the steps and either broke his back or became paralyzed somehow. So, the decision was made to end his suffering. Tina said he went peacefully after he fought the sedative at first, that poor little guy. It was really hard seeing him laying in the box when I went out to say goodbye to him especially when I was scratching his chin and he was purring.

Then, we also found out that the other cat that was Dad's, Scoot, now has kidney disease and thyroid issues, so it will just be a matter of time until we are going thru saying goodbye to him. It was just a month ago we lost old man Jack due to kidney failure. He was also Dad's cat. So, it's really hitting me hard right now since Jack and Scoot were/are the last living connections to my Dad, sigh. It's just hard and I've really been missing Dad a whole lot lately. I also haven't been feeling 100% the last few days with some summer tummy bug that's been going around.  So, I've been feeling just a bit down in the dumps, but otherwise I am okay and I am thankful for that.

Today I have some cute ice cream cone and popsicle nails I did a couple weeks ago and since it's the heart of Summer, what better time than now to post these :) I do love the way these turned out, they are cute I think!

My base here was Essie "Fiji". I used a slew of polishes and nail art brushes to draw the ice cream cones and popsicles then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of those nails.  The glitter is Finger Paints "He-Art Auction".

Fiji on it's own, this is another pastel pink that I love a lot!
That's it for today.  Not much more to say today.  Have a great rest of the night, I'll talk to you soon.  I leave you with a pic of Mr. Kitty from back in the cold weather one day when he was cold, he's so damn cute, don't 'ya think?  I sure do.  I love this cat and am so happy that I adopted him, he's a really good boy :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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