Sunday, April 29, 2018

Updated Holo Top Coats

Hello, my friends.  I hop you are doing good and life is going good.  Mine has been sad this week. On Thursday I went with Mom to send her sweet therapy dog, Gracie, to the Rainbow Bridge. It was so sad.  She had bone cancer and went down really fast, sigh.  She was such a good dog.  I feel for my Mom, it sucks.  Mom did say that in about two weeks she will start looking for a new companion pupper. I'll have some Gracie nails soon.

Today I decided to finally do something I've had sitting for a while, my holo top coat comparison post.  I originally did one back in February 2015, you can find that one here:

I have acquired a few more since then and purged one or two from last time.  Some of these you can still get, others maybe not (sorry about that).  If they are easy to get I've put an asterik behind the name and where you can find it  I love holo top coats, they are so darn pretty and add so much pretty to any polish :)  Hope you enjoy this fun sparkle on this cloudy and cold Sunday, arrrrgh...Spring is never coming this year :)

Here they are all on one wheel, look at all that pretty :)

Here's the list of names in order:
1. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Scattered) * website
2. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear) * website
3. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear & Scattered) * website
4. Pretty & Polished Halo T/C * website
5. Fair Maiden - Glory of the Galaxy *? website
6. Indigo Bananas - Rainbow All the Things * website
7. Fair Maiden - Chasing Rainbows * ? website
8. Indigo Bananas - SF35 Top Coat * website
9. Fair Maiden - Fairy Godmother * website
10. Starlight Polish - Starlight * Etsy
11. Stardust Polish - Holy Holo * Etsy
12. KB Shimmer - Prism Break * website
13. Pacifica - Gloss Rainbow Top Coat * Ulta
14. Glorious - Spectraflair Topcoat #35 * website
15. CBL - Lather & Lace *? website
16. Piggy Polish - Lunar Halo N/A
17. Finger Paints - Holographic Top Coat N/A
The ones on this wheel above:
1. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Scattered) * website
2. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear) * website
3. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear & Scattered) * website
4. Pretty & Polished Halo T/C * website
5. Fair Maiden - Glory of the Galaxy *? website
6. Indigo Bananas - Rainbow All the Things * website
7. Fair Maiden - Chasing Rainbows * ? website
8. Indigo Bananas - SF35 Top Coat * website
The ones on the wheel above:
4. Pretty & Polished Halo T/C * website
5. Fair Maiden - Glory of the Galaxy *? website
6. Indigo Bananas - Rainbow All the Things * website
7. Fair Maiden - Chasing Rainbows * ? website
8. Indigo Bananas - SF35 Top Coat * website
9. Fair Maiden - Fairy Godmother * website
10. Starlight Polish - Starlight * Etsy
11. Stardust Polish - Holy Holo * Etsy
And the last wheel above:
10. Starlight Polish - Starlight * Etsy
11. Stardust Polish - Holy Holo * Etsy
12. KB Shimmer - Prism Break * website
13. Pacifica - Gloss Rainbow Top Coat * Ulta
14. Glorious - Spectraflair Topcoat #35 * website
15. CBL - Lather & Lace *? website
16. Piggy Polish - Lunar Halo N/A
17. Finger Paints - Holographic Top Coat N/A

Whew, that was a long post today.  I'm going to keep the rest short.  Have a great rest of the weekend and good beginning of the week.  I'm going to chill today and watch some cheesy shark movies, I love them!!!  I'll talk to you soon!  I leave you with my cutie patootie, Miss Betty, cuddled by my sister, Tina, one night :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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