Sunday, January 27, 2019

Dusk in the City

Happy Sunday Loves,

Two posts in two days, WHAT!!!! :)  Just have a quick post today since I did do a post yesterday. I have some dusk in the city nails today. I'd been wanting to do some cityscape nails for a while now and finally did them this morning and I LOVE these so much. Think they turned out great. Hope you like them too :)

My bases are Essie ""Just the Way You Artic" (pinky, thumb), Essie "Toned Down" (ring, index) and Essie "Pin Me Pink" (middle). I then sponged some of those on the nails to be stamped to create the background. I stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" and Bundle Monster "BM-XL21" plate. I put a coat of Ozotic "203 Sugar" on my pinkies and thumbs to finish.

Essie ""Just the Way You Artic" (pinky, thumb), Essie "Toned Down" (ring, index) and Essie "Pin Me Pink" (middle). Love, love, love all three together :) 
Have a great Sunday, I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with Mr. Kitty looking cute as usual :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pretty In Sparkles

Happy Weekend!!! 

Hello my loves, I hope you are well and having a good weekend so far. I am okay. Got all my cleaning done at home and at work so now I can just chill the rest of the weekend and be lazy :)

Today I have some super plain but super pretty sparkly holo goodness. This glitter is from the current Essie Valentine collection out and I love it, it's so pretty and of course a good holo top coat is a never go wrong when it comes to sparkle :) Hope you like them too!

My bases are China Glaze "Make Some Noise" (pinky, ring), China Glaze "Life is Rosy" (middle) and China Glaze "Passion for Petals (index, thumb). The glitter is Essie "Sparkles Between Us" and Starlight Polish "Starlight" on the rest.

China Glaze "Make Some Noise" (pinky, ring), China Glaze "Life is Rosy" (middle) and China Glaze "Passion for Petals (index, thumb).  Love these all together, so pretty!

That's all for today. Have a great rest of Caturday, I leave you with an old picture of one of my babies I had for many years, Billy. He went to the Rainbow Bridge back in 2014. He was a great cat, I miss my boy.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Snowy Forest Trees

Happy Sunday Loves,

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and staying warm and safe if you are in the path of this snowy, icy mess going on in the USA right now, ugh. We have about 4 or 5 inches of snow and it's freezing rain right now. The temperatures are supposed to drop really low as the day goes on and stay cold the next two days. I am so not looking forward to that. I don't mind the snow so much, well, except for driving in it and shoveling it that is. But I do think fresh snow fall is super pretty.

So, today for our snowy weather we having I decided to do some snowy trees in the forest nails. I really kind of love how these came out. I think they turned out really pretty and love the pink and purple background for this forest, a pink purple forest, I'll so take it :) :) Hope you enjoy them too :)

My bases are all Essie, "Drive-In and Dine" (pinky & thumb), "Raspberry" (ring & middle) and "Stop, Drop & Shop" (index). I stamped with a pumpkin polish "Fanatastic" (black) and Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Retro Grade" (gray) with Lina Winter 02 plate. I used China Glaze "OMG" for the snow and snowflakes. I put a coat of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Tutu Pretty" on the unstamped nails to finish.

"Drive-In and Dine" (pinky & thumb), "Raspberry" (ring & middle) and "Stop, Drop & Shop" (index) on their own.
Here's a good feel good since I haven't done one in a while:

Repeat after me, "I can do this!"

Love, love, love this one!!!

Have a great rest of the weekend. I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with Dino, Miss Betty and Mr. Kitty looking too cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Pennsylvania Farm Show

Happy Caturday Loves,

Happy New Year, happy 2019 :) I hope you all had a great New Year. Mine has been pretty good so far! Our one good friend, Sarah, will be moving into the apartment above us and I can't wait. The last neighbors there were hoarders and not so clean so we have been helping our landlord by cleaning it up and working in it.  It does need a lot of work to get it ready but we will get it there. It's an adorable apartment and we can't wait to see it when it's all nice and clean and Sarah gets moved in. So, that's been keeping us busy at the moment.

This past Thursday we went to The Pennsylvania Farm Show, an event devoted to farming and agriculture in our state and it's awesome. I love going to the Farm Show, it's so fun. I always see some horse people I know, which is nice. The food is fantastic and I always get a fresh milk milkshake when there too :) I support farmers and farming, it's so important and farmers and farm folks are such good people too. I have a special spot in my heart for the farm life :)

So, of course for my nails I did some farm themed nails. LOVE these, my favorite is the milk can :) Hope you enjoy them too!

My bases are Orly "Olive You Kelly" (green), China Glaze "Mustard the Courage" (yellow) and Essie "Fall For NYC" (orange). I sponged some of the yellow and orange on my nails to stamp. I stamped with Konad Black and Uber Chic "Farm Fresh" plate then put a coat of Starlight Polish "Sunlight" on top of those nails. The glitter is L.A. Girl "Sparkler" on the rest to finish.

Fall for NYC, Mustard the Courage and Olive You Kelly on their own. I think they looked great together! 
Here's a bunch of pictures I took at the Farm Show. The bunnies were so cute :)

LOVED this biting zombie rabbit sign, it was great :)
Cool big ducks, there were huge and so pretty. I LOVE me some ducks. We had ducks as pets growing up and they were wonderful pets.
Jasper, the donkey, a horse friend I know brought him for the horse area. He's so cute :)
Some mini horses, little brats they sure are :)

A big Percheron horse, Percherons are my favorite of the heavy breeds of horses.
A super cute goat :) I love goats, in my next life I am so going to be a crazy goat lady!
The sign on a big old billy goat's pen. Look at him in the corner looking :)
The peeing billy goat! Look at him!
Lots of goats, be still my heart.

A Shire horse that was a grand champion her owners were telling me. She was so pretty.
A cute cow.
A cute calf,
A super pretty duck, I want one of these ducks!
A cool marked chicken!

Another cute Percheron horse.
This kid was in with his baby pygmy goats. They were too cute for words and so was this kid, him and his older brother were cool. I helped the older one fix the pen where it attaches to each panel.
This baby goat was chewing on the older brother :)
This cow was giving a bath to the one lying down, it was so sweet :)
Here's me and my friends that went. This is a local cable TV station that plays old shows. That's me in the lower left, then clockwise is Casey, Sarah, Chris, Missy, Mandy, Jes and Jolene. I love our friends so much, they are the best.
That's it for my Farm Show nails and my pics. Please remember to support your local farmers, we need our farmers!!

Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019

Happy New Year my loves,

Happy 2019 friends. I hope you had a great New Year Eve and have a great New Year. My cousin came over for a bit yesterday and I did her nails for her and we hung out and caught up. I didn't even make it till midnight. Casey did try to wake my up to watch the ball drop to no avail, I wasn't having it, lol :) I am too old for this midnight nonsense, ha ha :) :)

Later on today we have friends coming over for pork and sauerkraut. Casey makes his own sauerkraut and it's pretty good as far as sauerkraut goes :) I am looking forward to that later on.

On the nails today I have some little people celebrating the new year. I love this stamping plate, it's got some really fun New Year images on it :) I think they are cute.

The dark purple base is a classic, it's OPI "Lincoln Park After Dark", the blue is China Glaze "Man Hunt". I then sponged a bit of "Man Hunt" on top of "Lincoln Park After Dark" and stamped with Sugar Bubbles "SBS 09" plate using China Glaze "OMG", "IDK" and "BFF" (these are all from the new re-release collection that was out this past Summer). The glitter is Orly "Gravity Bound".

Lincoln Park After Dark and Man Hunt by themselves.
Here's my cousin, Megan's, nails that I did for her from the same plate. I love this plate, it's got such cute images on :)
Have a great day, I'll talk to you all soon. I leave you with Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty too cute for words :) :) :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?