Sunday, June 9, 2019

Buttons, Buttons, Buttons

Happy Sunday My Loves,

Hope you are having a good weekend. Mine has been okay, uneventful. I cleaned and then hung out with my sister last night. I haven't been 100% the past week or so due to allergies. They've been so awful this year and I've been so miserable, ugh! I think it's how wet and rainy it's been that seems to be making it worse this year, oh well, life goes on!

Today I don't have much planned but a pretty lazy Sunday and I am so okay with that :)

For the nails today I have some cute little buttons I did this morning, me thinks they are cute. These shades of purple but look more blue since my camera really struggles with purples. These were easy, just dotting tools used. I used to love going through my Mom's button tin when I was a kid and checking out all the different buttons, buttons are cool :)

My base is Essie "Shade On". For the buttons I used dotting tools  with the following polishes: Orly "Charged Up", Orly "Saturated", Orly "November Fog", China Glaze "Spontaneous" and Sinful Colors "Snow Me White". The glitter is Pretty Woman "Purple" and on my pinkies and index nails I put a coat of Color Club "Pearl-Spective" to finish.

Shade On by itself, it's way more purple in real life, but my camera has a super hard time with purples.
Have a great Sunday, talk soon. I leave you with Miss Betty and Mr. Kitty. Miss Betty loves her brother so much and he's a great brother to her too, it makes my heart so happy :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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