Sunday, June 2, 2019

Rest In Peace Grumpy Cat

Happy Sunday Loves,

I hope you are well and having a good weekend. I am, yesterday I got to see my cousin, Dan, who I hadn't seen and in many years since he had moved down south and now is back up in PA. I got to meet his kids and wife for the first time too. It was really nice. They came out to my Mom's and they got to meet Dusty, my horse, too. It was a great time. Today I don't have much going on and am just kinda planning on being pretty lazy. Then tonight my sister is coming to hang out.

Unless you have been living under a rock you should know who Grumpy Cat or Tardar Sauce is. She is a cat that became an internet sensation for her face always looking grumpy from an underbite and feline dwarfism. So many many memes were made with her image on and words of grumpiness. It was super cute all the memes that came to be with her featured on them. She became a truly famous cat. Sadly she succumbed to complications from a urinary tract infection on May 14 of this year. When news of this came on social media the world was truly saddened. She entered the hearts of many people the world over, mine included. I think she was such a cute little lady and I feel deeply for her people on the loss of her.

So, today to honor the memory of Tardar Sauce aka Grumpy Cat, I did some nails for her. May you rest in peace at the Rainbow Bridge sweet girl until your family comes to join you one day.

Here's a pic of her. She was adorable.

This meme came out not long after her passing, so appropriate to honor her and to make you smile in the sadness of her death.
Here's a little collage I pulled off the internet of examples of some of the memes that were made with her.
 Here's a cute one that talks about her as herself as a kitty.
My base is China Glaze "Shocking Pink". I sponged on China Glaze "Sweet As Pinkie Pie" then stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" with Bundle Monster BM-S162 and Creative Shop 62 plates. I used a black striper to do the RIP GC and a coat of Athena & Aphrodite "Maroon Dreams" in the rest to finish. I did end up stamping the nail I wanted to write RIP on by accident on my left hand so had to change it to my index nail on that hand but, oh well, what can I say, I am a blond, LOL :)

Shocking Pink on it's own, love this bright pink. 
There you have my Grumpy Cat memorial nails. I think these do her memory well. The internet will never be the same without her in it although she will never really be off the internet and she will live on forever in her memes that I am sure will continue to be shared over and over for years to come. Go here to learn more about the history of her if you so desire:

Here's myself and my newest little second cousin, Cora, from yesterday, she's a total doll baby :)
 Here's my cousin, Dan, his kids, my second cousins, Sammy and Arya, and myself.

That's all for today, have a great Sunday and talk soon my love bugs xoxo

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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