Thursday, June 20, 2019

Summertime Sparkle

Happy Thursday My Love Bugs,

It's almost the Friday, yay!!! This has been a long work week! Last weekend was fun, Saturday Casey and I and our friends, Nick, Leah, Amy and Sarah all went camping for one night in Sullivan County, PA on state campgrounds, it was fun. I ended up doing about a mile hike and was so sore afterwards, I'm out of shape for hikes that, but it was good :) It did end up raining on Saturday night which what else is new, it always rains anymore, ugh. Oh well, great time still was had! I've got a few pics at the end of this post.

For the nails today I have some super simple low motivation nails I did two nights ago, I was tired so didn't feel like putting a lot of time or effort into doing my nails but had to get them done since they were chipping so bad. I still had the buttons on I did last post. It's Summer time so a neon is so in order for these nails :)

My base is Orly "Put the Top Down". The glitter is Essie "You're So Cupid" and on the rest is a coat of Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Aisle Be There".

Put the Top Down on it's own, love this bright neon :) 
Here's some pics of our camping trip last weekend.

This was our campsite.
 Casey and our token camp cat that goes on all our camping trips.
 Our campsite again.
 Casey in his happy place with a campfire
 Nick in his happy place splittin' wood :)

 A cute sign.
 Leave bears wild!!!
 Some cool boulder rocks, they were all over up there.
 A pretty fern garden.
 Loyalstock Creek.
 Some pretty flowers.
 Fierce girls climbing the mountain, that's Sarah and Leah :)
 Cool colored flames, loves those little packs you throw in for cool campfire colors.
 A delicious s'more!
That's it for today, have a great rest of the night. I leave you Mr. Kitty from last Summer looking too handsome in our yard one day. I love this kitty so much and am so happy I adopted this guy, he's

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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