Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving Loves,

It's turkey day my friends which means we give thanks for our family, friends, kids, pets, our lives and so much more. I truly have so much to be thankful for each and every day. I have the most amazing friends and awesome family in my life. I have my cats which are my heart and soul and I have a wonderful boyfriend who is always there for me no matter what. I have my Mom and every day I am so grateful and thankful that I still have her at 77 years old and really hope I am blessed to have her for many more years to come. This is the 4th Thanksgiving without my Dad which is hard and sad but at the same time I am so very thankful that I had the dad I had for as long as I did so I just try to remember the good times and try not to be sad. I am one of the truly blessed and fortunate people in the world and I do not take that for granted ever.

Today we are going to Casey's family for dinner then my sister is coming in tonight to hang out. Sunday I went to a Thanksgiving dinner with my mom that her church does so that was our Thanksgiving with her that day. I am going to see her Saturday too and visit with some cousins that are coming to visit and I can't wait for that :)

Today I have some super simple fast nails I did this morning since I was cleaning and didn't have much time to do any kind of other nail art for the holiday. I actually quite like the simplicity and colors of this mani, hope you like them too!

My base is China Glaze "Mustard the Courage", then I sponged on China Glaze "Kalahari Kiss" on the nails to be stamped and stamped using China Glaze "Unplugged" with Whats Up Nails B033 and Lina 4 Seasons Autumn 02 plates. Then on my pinkies and thumbs I put a coat of Maybelline Color Show "Gold Ignite" to finish.

Mustard the Courage on it's own, I really kind of love this sorta ugly shade of yellow :)
There you have my super simple nails for this year! Here's some Thanksgiving rocks I did for mom's church dinner that I put on the tables. People loved them and I loved giving them :) The turkeys were really fun to paint!!!

Have a great day with family if you celebrate and remember to not just be thankful today but each and every day for the things in your life!

I leave you with Princess Pebbles looking so pretty as usual! I think she's the prettiest cat we have in our crew, she's gorgeous and she knows it, ha ha!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Yay Negan!!!

Happy Walking Dead Day,

It's the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead already! I can't believe it's mid-season finale already! Time sure does fly. I never got to do season premiere nails this year since the day it premiered we had gotten home from camp and I was too tired to do my nails and wasn't ready to take my bear nails off yet, so mid-season finale nails it is.

In my opinion this season has been really good. My sister and I have been thoroughly enjoying this season and Negan, who we love, has been locked up in jail for the last season and this season he is out and back to some of his old Negan ways and some not so Negan ways that is making me love him even more. I have been and still am Team Negan and since he's back doing more I decided to do some Negan nails for tonight. I messed up my left hand, just wasn't having a good day on that one but oh well, such is the nail life, lol. Either way I like them :)

My base is Essie "At the Helm". I sponged on Essie "Fall For NYC" on the nails to be stamped and stamped using a random black pumpkin polish (which stamps very nice) with Creative Shop 46 and Uber Chic Zombie Love 2 plates. I put a coat of Baroness X "Topacio" on my pinkies and thumbs to finish.

At the Helm on it's own. Love this color!
This afternoon I am going to a Thanksgiving lunch that my mom's church does then coming home and watching the marathon that is on until my sister comes in and we watch the finale together. Enjoy the finale if you watch.

Have a great Sunday, talk soon on Thursday when I post my Thanksgiving nails. I leave you with Mr. Kitty surrounded by toys, many toys :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rainy Day Nails (on a not rainy day)

Happy Sunday Loves,

I hope your weekend is going good and that you are well. Things are good my way. I had a three day weekend and did some stuff around home Friday and have been pretty lazy all weekend, just hanging with the kitties and painting rocks.

Today I have some cute rainy day stamped nails for you. I recently got this plate and was excited to use it even though it is not raining today thankfully and if it was it would be that dreaded "S" word since it's really cold out currently, gah! I think these turned out cute and hope you think so too :)

My base is Essie "Serene Slate". I sponged Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Heavy Metal" on the nails to be stamped. I stamped using Konad "Black" with Beauty Big Bang XL 059 plate. On my pinkies and thumbs I put a coat of BeautiControl "Angel Wings" on to finish.

Serene Slate on it's own. Love this shade of gray.
That's it for today, have a great Sunday and even better week. Talk soon! I leave you with Miss Betty, my cutie patootie sound asleep :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fall Dotticure

Happy Sunday/Walking Dead Day Loves,

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and that life is good. It's good my way. Last night we went to good friends' Post Post Halloween party and it was awesome seeing our amazing friends. It was fun :)

Today I was pretty lazy and had a pretty lazy day, but I did do these nails this morning. I hadn't done a dotticure in while and thought that it would be nice to do a Fall one. I love doing dotticures. They are so easy and quick to do especially on a lazy day. Hope you like these as much as I do :)

My base is Essie "On the Bright Cider". I dotted with OPI "Piazza Cake", China Glaze "Give Me S'more" and Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Bare It All". The glitter is Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Ripple Effect" and on my pinkies and index nails is a coat of BaronessX "Topacio".

On the Bright Cider on it's own, a wonderfully warm Fall shade.
Here's more rocks I've painted and either hidden or given away to people since my last slew of painted rocks post. I am having so much fun painting rocks. I love it!
Here's ones my friend, Niki, and I made together one afternoon.
Love these bonfire ones I did. They are so peaceful and I'd love to be hanging out by any of these fires :)
These two I painted to go live with my Dad's and his hunting buddy, Randy's ashes at our camp.
Here they are at camp with Dad and Randy. I know they'd love having these rocks with them!
Rocks I did of our camp, one I kept, one went to my brother and the other one to Pat, my Dad's last man standing friend that he hunted with and was one of his best friends.

The rock on the left I left at one of our neighbor's camps when I saw their rock on the right :) 
Halloween rocks, I love all of these so much!

These are for my boyfriend, Casey and his Dad for their love of deer huntin'

Made this one for a client of my sister's for encouragement.

This one on the left my Mom made for her two dogs she has and the one on the right my sister made. I love the headless cowboy, it's funny. She made it for a friend that loves cowboys for Halloween, ha ha.

That's it for today. Have a great rest of the weekend and a great week. I leave you with Gypsy and Mr. Kitty :) Talk soon loves.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Happy Got You Day Miss Betty

Happy Friday My Loves,

It's Friyay, yay!! I have off work today and did yesterday, so nice. I have quite a few vacation days to use the rest of the year so I have several more 3 and 4 day weekends coming up thru the end of the year, yay :) Last night was Trick or Treat night and it was fun. I handed out candy with Sarah, our dear friend, that lives above us and Mr. Kitty, our one tiger cat. He was such a hit hanging out and the trick or treaters getting to see him with us!

Today is a very special day. It was five years ago today that Miss Betty came into my life. I adopted her from my cousin's parents and I am so happy I did. Miss Betty is the love of my life. I love all our cats but Miss Betty, she is my heart and soul. The bond her and I have is so strong and so amazing. She is my baby baby girl. I mean, just look at her, isn't she the cutest thing you ever did see!!!! This is one of my favorite pictures of her ever! Look at that face!!!

So, of course I have some cat nails to celebrate this most special day. I tried to find the cutest chunky cat images I could to represent Miss Betty. I think these images do the job well.

My base is Essie "No Shade Here". I sponged Essie "French Affair" on the nails to be stamped, then stamped with Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" and Messy Mansion MM50, Maniology X MrsWhite 8907 M006 and MoYou Crazy Cat Lady 02 plates. The glitter on my pinkies and thumbs is LA Colors "Unicorn Sparkle".

No Shade Here on it's own, love these shades of pinks! 
Here are some pics of my Miss Betty, hope you enjoy them. The first couple are Mommy and Miss Betty :) The rest are just her in all her extreme cuteness. I love this little cat so much! She's my baby girl!


Have a great Friday and even better weekend. I don't have much going on but putting a delivery of hay away tomorrow morning for my horse, ugh. I hate doing hay, it's hard work but my horse is worth it for sure! Talk soon and here's to many many more years of Miss Betty and Melly together!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?