Sunday, January 12, 2020

PA Farm Show 2020

Happy Sunday My Loves,

I hope you are well and that life is treating you good! It's great my way. This past week was our state's annual show that features all things agriculture in our state. It's called the PA Farm Show and it goes for one week. It's one of my favorite events of the year to attend. I love seeing all the animals, all the displays, all the awesome PA things for sale and the food, the food there is absolutely delicious! It's a big draw each year and the food court there is always so packed. Casey, myself and two friends went this past Thursday and had a great time per usual. We bought some wine, some craft beer, some soap, lip balm, potato donuts (which are awesome, I took some to work and gave some to my mom and sister), a shirt, a horseshoe nail ring (I've wanted one for many many years and finally got one, ha ha) and a really cool PA State Parks book.

So, of course for the PA Farm Show I did some farm themed nails. I think that local family farming is so important no matter where you are so picked these images to show that. I will always support our local family farms no matter what. It's a huge part of the economy in PA.

I decided to do some shades of pink for this instead of traditional landscape colors because pink farm, I'll so take it :) Hope you like these nails too!

My base is Essie "Into the A-bliss". I sponged Essie "Around the Bend" on the nails to be stamped. I stamped using Sinful Colors "Black On Black" with Creative Shop 09 and Uber Chic "Farm Fresh" plates. I put a coat of Starlight Polish "Moonlight" on top of the stamped nails for a bit of sparkle and on the my pinkies and thumbs is a coat of OPI "Born To Sparkle".

Into the A-bliss on it's own. This is such a pretty shade of mauve. 
Here's a slew of animal pictures I took. Sadly the horse barn was closed off when we were there due to them being showing and the horse barn being crowded with the horse people getting ready to show. Oh well, next year I'll get horse pics. I did get a lot last year of the horses at least. I did take a lot of goat pics this year too. I love love love goats so much :)

That's all for today. Have a great rest of your weekend. I'll be back early this week with a different post. I am finally going to do a post of my polish stash and polish set up I have here at home

Till then my friends!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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