Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy 2020

Happy 2020 New Year!!!

It's the end of a decade and the beginning of a new one! Hard to believe it's 2020 already. I remember when I was a kid and thinking about being in this time that we'd be living like The Jetsons, lol. We sure have come a long was since I was a kid and so many things sure have changed yet so many have also stayed the same.

My year was a good year, nothing too crazy or bad happened and I had a happy year all year. So it was a good year :) Last night I did absolutely nothing but hung with the cats and started binging the show Between on Netflix. So far I am thinking it's pretty good. Casey went to some friends for the evening since by 9 last night I was out cold, lol. It's okay though, today we are going to our friend Nick and Leah's for the traditional new year's dinner of pork and sauerkraut with a bunch of good friends and I am really looking forward to that. In my old age I am no longer a night person so the daytime stuff is what I really look forward to now days :)

For my New Year nails I did some super simple stamping. I was feeling nail lazy so they are pretty boring but I do think they turned out pretty anyways :)

My base is Essie "Mooning". I stamped using China Glaze "Maliboo-Boo" with Sugar Bubbles SBS09 and Whats Up Nails B043 plates. I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and on my pinkies and thumbs I put a coat of K.B. Shimmer "A Star Is Formed".

Mooning on it's own, love this shade of blue gray so much, it's pretty. I love blue toned grays. 
Have a great New Year day and I leave you with Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty looking too cute. These two love each other so much and that totally warms my heart to no end :)

Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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