Sunday, January 26, 2020

Out Of This World Galaxies

Happy Sunday Loves,

Hello my friends. I hope that today's post finds you well and having a good weekend. My weekend has been good. I went to work yesterday morning to clean the office. I do that once a month and it's a super easy seventy five bucks for me for 2 and half hours of work. Then I came home and did some laundry and then my sister came over last night and my two other friends, Valerie and Zach, stopped by for a bit and that was super nice since we hadn't seen them in a bit. Today I have done my nails and plan on being pretty lazy the rest of the today. Other than putting laundry away I have no other stuff planned that I need to do. So it's a TV and hanging with the kitties and Casey day :)

Today's nail are galaxy nails. It's been quite a while since I've done some galaxy nails and I am super super happy with how these turned out. I think they came out really pretty and totally do look like galaxies. Hope you like them too :) I love them!

My base is OPI "Lincoln Park After Dark". I then sponged on OPI "Funky Dunkey", Orly "Brittney Beach", Essie "Around the Bend" and OPI "Alpine Snow" to create the galaxies. I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the galaxies and on my thumbs and pinkies a coat of Milani "Rainbow Prisms" to finish this pretty galaxy nail look.

Lincoln Park After Dark on it's own. This is probably one of my oldest polishes and one of my very favorite vampy shades ever. It was the perfect base for these galaxy nails I think! 
In other artsy stuff here's the rocks I've painted since the last time I posted rocks in a post a month of two ago. I love painting rocks, it's so much fun and gifting them to people or hiding them around town is so much fun too :)

Here are the Thanksgiving rocks. I put these at each table at my Mom's church's Thanksgiving dinner they had. They were a hit, people loved them!

Here's some Christmas and Winter rocks. Love these all :)

 This rock I gifted to my one crazy cat lady friend who works tirelessly rescuing, helping andn feeding feral cat colonies. She loved this rock and I did too.
 This one I made for my sister whose favorite kitties are gingers. She totally loved this rock and so did I :)

 I made this one for my Corgi friend, Tanner's, mom and gave it to her at puppy graduation, Barb was very touched that I made this with love for her. It made me happy.
When I found these rocks they screamed to be painted as dogs so made them both for my mom. The beagle since she has a beagle right now and the Lab since our family has had many Labs over the years and Labs hold a very special spot in our hearts, she loved these! I am pretty proud of how they came out too!
That's it for today. Have a great rest of the day, talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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