Saturday, July 25, 2020

Fluid Art, My First One

Happy Caturday My Loves, 

I hope you are well and that life is treating you good. Mine is okay but my mom and sister had a very disheartening accident happen to their parked cars overnight Thursday night, long story short, a drunk driver hit their parked cars and my sister's car is definitely totalled but we are not sure about mom's yet as my sister's car was pushed into mom's car. It was crazy, the girl actually hit and ran, stopped at a neighbor's house about 3/4 mile away, told them her car broke down, they saw she hit something, asked her what she hit, she said nothing. They called cops since she was clearly under the influence then went driving to figure out what she hit and found my mom and sister's cars wrecked so let them know and gave them the trooper's information. We are still waiting to see if she had insurance, not sure when we will find that out. The girl is in jail and thank goodness those two neighbors were good guys and went looking for what she hit. It was a very nerve wracking day yesterday. But, at least they were not in the cars when it happened and the cars being there is what kept this girl from wrecking into the side of the house where my mom's bedroom is. So for that at least we can be thankful. 

So, I've been wanting to try my hand at fluid nail art for a while now. I think fluid painting is so pretty and such a neat thing to watch the cells form once you add and mix the fluid medium into the paint. I had read about nail girls making their own clear fluid polish by adding silicone hair serum to plain clear polish and getting great results so I made my own last week and then watched tons of You Tube videos on doing it and making the decals and practicing like crazy. I had many failed attempts then Tuesday evening I had my first successful ones and decided this weekend it would be on my nails. I used Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear clear polish and Garnier Fructis Anit-Frizz Serum. I poured out about 15% of the polish then added one pump of the hair serum, shook it up really well and let it sit for around 24 hours since that what had been advised on the tutorials I had watched. It worked great! I have owned the Dance Legend Spotted polishes in black and white for a couple of years now but have not used that yet. I will now though now that I know how to do it pretty well on the silicone mats. 

I made my decals by dropping the polish in drops on the silicone then folding the mat over twice to get the cells to form. I then let them dry for a few hours before I put them on my nails. You can watch video tutorials on how to do them all over You Tube, search fluid nail art tutorial. I took a silicone baking mat from Dollar General and cut it up to make small squares to make my decals on and to make folding the mats easier in the smaller sizes. I do really need to practice applying the decals to my nails, there is definitely a learning curve to those and to making the fluid art. I am so pleased with how these came out and will definitely be doing these again and again. I LOVE this even though it is a bit of work and time to do. It's worth it. So pleased with how these came out on my nails, yay :) Hope you like them too! 

My base is Orly "Lips Like Sugar". I then did the fluid art decals using my DIY fluid polish, Orly "Wild Wisteria", OPI "Amazon...Amazonoff" and an Avon Gel unknown name since the label is off this bottle. On my pinkies and index nail is a coat of Color Club "On the Bright Side".

              Lips Like Sugar on it's own. This is a pretty color and great for summer I think :) 

Here are all the decals I had made this morning and ended up using only six of them. I sucked at getting cells on few of them as you can see but the majority came out pretty good! You can see the mat that I cut up in pieces in this picture. This works great from making these decals. I did find the thinner the creme polish was the better it worked. 

Here are a bunch of practice runs I did when I actually started to get the cells to form. I love some of these. 

That's it for the nails. Hope you enjoyed my first run of fluid nails. I know I sure did :) 

Here's my sister's car pushed into mom's, it's crazy, isn't it!!! My sister does currently have a loaner car and will be getting another car this week. We will find out early in the week if mom's was totalled or not. 
That's it for today. Casey and I are about to join a virtual Zoom baby shower for some friends. I am excited. Have a great rest of the weekend, talk soon. My next nail challenge is going to be reverse stamping so keep an eye out for that soon! 

I leave you with Princess Pebbles looking cute as can be in her strange lying positions. She's funny! 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Abstract Neon

Happy Sunday My Loves, 

Hello my friends. I hope today finds you well and healthy. Things are alright my way. Nothing new or interesting to report this way. Not much going on of course with the damn virus, ugh. Oh well, you just deal with it day by day as stuff comes. There's really not much else we can do! 

I've spent a fair amount of time this past week and yesterday watching nail videos on fluid nail art and decals. Tried to make my own DIY fluid clear polish but just cannot seem to get the cells to develop after practicing like crazy yesterday. Going to try a different clear polish (I used Sally Hansen Xtreme wear Clear) with the Garnier Fructis hair serum and see if that works better. Most people seem to use Wet n' Wild clear but I can't find that local, had to order some. I think I am going to get some Sinful Colors to try to mix next with.  I was getting so frustrated and did order one off of Etsy last night to make it easier but I still want to make my own. So, we shall see. Look for a fluid art and decal post in the near future. 

Today I have some neon abstract nails I just got done doing this morning. I love love love these, thing they turned out super pretty and I love the addition of the black in both the abstract and the glitter. Hope you like them too! 

My base is Essie "Beachy Keen" (just got this one Friday from their one current collection out now). Love pinks like this even though I most certainly did not need another pink like this. I must admit I do have a problem with buying ALL the Essie cremes, LOL. Essie is one of my favorite brands so not that much of a big deal to have more than one Essie pink like this, ha ha ha ha :) I used a nail art brush to do the neons using China Glaze "UV Meant To Be", China Glaze "Lime After Lime", China Glaze "Plur-Ple", China Glaze "Orange Knockout", China Glaze "Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" and Orly "Put the Top Down". I used a black striper to make the dots The glitter is Alchemy Lacquers "Fireworks". 

                                             Beachy Keen on it's own, love this peachy pink.

Here is a really good "feel good" for today. It's been way too long since I posted a "feel good" (need to get back to these) :):

"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as much as you live."

LOVE this one!!

That's it for today. Have a great rest of the weekend. I leave you with Miss Betty soaking in the sunlight one day on the back of our couch. I love this picture of my little lady. She is my baby baby girl! 

Talk soon!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Supposed to be Kiwi Slices :)

Happy Second Post Today :) 

Hello again :) Here's my nails I did this past week when I removed my July 4th nails. I was attempting to go for kiwi slices and think they kind of look like kiwi but not really, ha ha. I wish I would have used different shades of green for them, oh well! I still like them even if they are a bit of an art fail! 

My base is China Glaze "It's All Techno". I drew the kiwi slices with Essie "Can Dew Attitude" and a black striper. On my pinkies and index nails is a coat of Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Twist of Lime". 

It's All Techno on it's own, love this ugly shade of green or is it yellow, ha! 

That's it for today now with my second post. Talk to you all later :) Have a great rest of the weekend and an even better week! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tropical Paradise

Happy Sunday Love Bugs, 

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and having a good weekend. I am having a good one. I went to my mom's yesterday and hung out with her and my sister, then my cousin stopped by for a visit which was great since we hadn't seen each other since like last Fall. So, it was great seeing him yesterday :) 

I am still having this pain that I've had for week now. I originally thought it was my back but I think it's my hip, ugh. I am starting to feel less pain so I am sure in the next couple days I will be back to normal, at least I hope so, until the next time it acts up. My mom has had both her hips, one knee and one shoulder replaced and I suspect that I am on my way to replacements at some point in my future, bah! Oh well, such is life, you just have to deal with it as it comes. 

Today's nails I did this morning of some palm tree stamping on a pink/purple background. I kinda love these, they are so pretty and so inviting for a tropical getaway. Hope you like them too! 

My base is Essie "Free to Roam". I next did the gradient with a cosmetic wedge sponge using "Free to Roam", OPI "Funky Dunkey" and Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "Jam Sesh". I stamped with Broadway Nails "Black Out" and Kads Nature 028 and Maniology X clairetelle8 M035 plates. On my pinkies and thumbs is a Melly Mix of a couple sparkle top coats I had mixed together.

Free to Roam on it's own. I do indeed love shades of pink like this one. Have quite a few like this 😜

That's it for this post. I do have some kiwi nails I did this past week when I took my July 4th polish off but didn't get to post yet. I may post them later today or if not today, early this coming week. I leave you with Scoot Too, one of the cats at my Mom's. He's such a big boy as you can see in this picture. He's such a lover boy and so sweet. He's a really good boy :)

Talk soon! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Happy 4th Streamers

Happy Tuesday Loves, 

Super quick post today. I am suffering with some severe back pain today. I have spinal stenosis from arthritis in my back for quite a few years now and this past weekend at camp my back started to really bother me. We came home on Sunday and it was not too bad then yesterday it started to hurt pretty bad again. I go back to work tomorrow so taking it easy today with this damn back, sigh.

We went to our family camp this weekend. It was fun, no firework events going on since everything has been cancelled due to Covid-19 but several of the camps by us brought some so we still got to see fireworks all weekend :) I painted rocks with the neighbor kids, we went to the ice mine again this trip with Casey's family since they had never been there then we went to a place that has a cool little store in it and these little fallow deer that you can feed and  you can also buy a bag of dirt and then "mine" the gems in the bag, so we fed deer and mined. It was a fun weekend. But, boy, was it ever hot!!! 

Of course I did some red, white and blue holiday themed nails for the weekend. This is what I came up with for this year. These were super easy to do and I think they came out super pretty too! They reminded me of streamers when they were done so streamers they are :) 

My base is Orly "Gotta Bounce". I used Broadway Nails "Snow White", China Glaze "No-Holds Barb" and a silver striper to draw the "streamers". The glitter on my index and pinkies is a random no name glitter I  just recently found. 

Gotta Bounce on it's own.
Here is camp! I love this dear old bus so much! 
The Deer Park where we fed the deer. These deer are so little and so cute! 

Casey, the boyfriend, feeding the deer. 
These are just some cool targets they have there too. Love the Big Foot one :) 
The gems I mined. 
Here are two different overlook spots. It's so amazing up there and mountains forever. I LOVE IT!!!!

Found this rock at the ice mine and decided to keep this one instead of rehiding since I've never found one before :) 
It was another full moon at camp this time too. It's so pretty coming over the mountain and through the trees at camp. 

Here is Landon, one of the neighbor camp kids painting rocks at our camp. Him and his little sister painted rocks this weekend with me. We had so much fun! This kid is one of my favorite kids in the entire world, he's a really awesome and good kid! 
The rocks we painted. 
The ice mine. I love the rocks that surround the mine, such cool rocks. 

The ice had melted quite a bit since our trip there in the beginning of June. Still really neat though. 

This is outside the entrance to the mine, more pretty rocks!

And, last Big Foot at the ice mine. Love this cutout of Big Foot, he looks real, lol!
That's it for today. Hope you had a good holiday weekend if you celebrate. Stay safe and healthy, talk soon. 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?