Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Happy 4th Streamers

Happy Tuesday Loves, 

Super quick post today. I am suffering with some severe back pain today. I have spinal stenosis from arthritis in my back for quite a few years now and this past weekend at camp my back started to really bother me. We came home on Sunday and it was not too bad then yesterday it started to hurt pretty bad again. I go back to work tomorrow so taking it easy today with this damn back, sigh.

We went to our family camp this weekend. It was fun, no firework events going on since everything has been cancelled due to Covid-19 but several of the camps by us brought some so we still got to see fireworks all weekend :) I painted rocks with the neighbor kids, we went to the ice mine again this trip with Casey's family since they had never been there then we went to a place that has a cool little store in it and these little fallow deer that you can feed and  you can also buy a bag of dirt and then "mine" the gems in the bag, so we fed deer and mined. It was a fun weekend. But, boy, was it ever hot!!! 

Of course I did some red, white and blue holiday themed nails for the weekend. This is what I came up with for this year. These were super easy to do and I think they came out super pretty too! They reminded me of streamers when they were done so streamers they are :) 

My base is Orly "Gotta Bounce". I used Broadway Nails "Snow White", China Glaze "No-Holds Barb" and a silver striper to draw the "streamers". The glitter on my index and pinkies is a random no name glitter I  just recently found. 

Gotta Bounce on it's own.
Here is camp! I love this dear old bus so much! 
The Deer Park where we fed the deer. These deer are so little and so cute! 

Casey, the boyfriend, feeding the deer. 
These are just some cool targets they have there too. Love the Big Foot one :) 
The gems I mined. 
Here are two different overlook spots. It's so amazing up there and mountains forever. I LOVE IT!!!!

Found this rock at the ice mine and decided to keep this one instead of rehiding since I've never found one before :) 
It was another full moon at camp this time too. It's so pretty coming over the mountain and through the trees at camp. 

Here is Landon, one of the neighbor camp kids painting rocks at our camp. Him and his little sister painted rocks this weekend with me. We had so much fun! This kid is one of my favorite kids in the entire world, he's a really awesome and good kid! 
The rocks we painted. 
The ice mine. I love the rocks that surround the mine, such cool rocks. 

The ice had melted quite a bit since our trip there in the beginning of June. Still really neat though. 

This is outside the entrance to the mine, more pretty rocks!

And, last Big Foot at the ice mine. Love this cutout of Big Foot, he looks real, lol!
That's it for today. Hope you had a good holiday weekend if you celebrate. Stay safe and healthy, talk soon. 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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