Sunday, August 9, 2020

Happy Shark Week 2020

Happy Sunday My Loves, 

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and enjoying your weekend :) Mine has been good. Last night my sister and cousin came over to hang out so that was fun and nice. Miss Betty has been pooping since her vet ordeal so that has made me extremely happy. The increase in her laxative, a new medicine and prescription food seems to be helping so here is to much more pooping from her. We also had a stray cat turn up in our yard this past week that is now in a rescue with friends as he was in pretty rough shape being malnourished and other health issues. He was really sweet and now he's on the road to recovery and a new home. I am also getting a desk (finally) to set up an actual nail area instead of having to use my coffee table and sit on the couch to do my nails. It should get here this week and I cannot wait to have one dedicated area for doing my nails and keeping a bunch of nail stuff. I'll be for sure posting pics of my space once I get it up and ready :) 

Onto the nails now. Tonight starts Shark Week so of course I have some shark themed nails. I absolutely love sharks and Shark Week and this is one week I look forward to each and every year. With all the strange that has been 2020 at least we still have Shark Week :) 

My base is Essie "Bustling Bazaar". I sponged on some China Glaze "Flyin' High" on the nails to stamp and stamped using Maniology "Storm Cloud", Dance Legend "Grey" and Clear Jelly Stamper "015" polishes with Maniology CYO-X M103 and Uber Chic Just Beach plates. The glitter is Maybelline Color Show "Sea-Quins"
Bustling Bazaar on it's own. This is such a pretty color. 

That's all for today. Have a great Sunday and be sure to watch some Shark Week this week :) :) :) 

Here is this week's feel good: 

"The most important thing is to enjoy life - to be happy - it's all that matters."

Audrey Hepburn said that and I love this! I know that can be hard to do in these strange uncertain times but we must still try our best to be happy and enjoy life. I know I sure do! I have lots in my life every day that makes me happy and enjoy life! I am very blessed and fortunate. 

I leave you with Miss Betty the other morning so happy and content after pooping. I never thought my life would revolve around cat poop like it now does, lol. I'll take it though as long as I have my baby girl :) 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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