Sunday, August 2, 2020

In A Galaxy Far Far Away (my first try at reverse stamping)

Hi all, 

I have just a super quick post today. This past week was a trying one. Miss Betty had to go to the vet on Monday and stay overnight to have her poop manually removed since three enemas did not work. She has constipation issues and this was the first time enemas did not move it thru her little body, sigh. She is now on all special food and another medicine in addition to her daily laxative. It is so sad for me when she does not feel well and she struggles to poop. She is my baby girl and it stresses me so much when she has to have medical stuff done. She is doing okay now and once I am done with this post we will snuggle the rest of the day away and be lazy. My poor baby girl. If she continues to get blocked up then the next step is removing the distended part of her colon. I hope it doesn't come to that and that this new medicine to help keep things moving along with the high fiber diet does the trick and works. Keep your fingers crossed for her and keep her in your thoughts and prayers that she keeps pooping. 

Yesterday I got to see some of my cousins that I have not seen in a long time at my mom's and that was really nice. Got to hang out with my horse too which is always awesome :) 

So, for today's nails I have my first attempt at reverse stamped nails which is where you stamp an image on a stamper head then color in the image with polish, let dry then transfer to the nail. It's pretty easy to do actually and I can't believe I waited so long to try it on my own nails. I chose to do a galaxy/space inspired mani for this. I absolutely LOVE the way these turned out. They are so pretty and so spacey, love them and hope you do too :) 

My base is Essie "In Plane View". All the stamped images are from Bundle Monster "Kelli Marissa BM-XL213" plate. I stamped with Broadway Nails "Snow White" and then used a slew of polishes to color in the colored images on the stamper head. I let that dry and then put a sticky base coat on my nail to make the dry stamp images stick to the nail when I stamped it on. Before I stamped those I did add some random spots of Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Disco Ball" on to add some sparkle. I added some "Disco Ball" to the other stamped nails after I stamped to add sparkle on them as well. I added one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of all my nails to finish. I am so happy with these and can't wait to reverse stamp again in the future. It's pretty awesome to add color like to this to your stamping. There's tons of videos on You Tube about how to do it and if you are interested definitely watch some :) Here they are! 

In Plane View on it's own. I think this pretty shade of really dark teal was kinda cool for a spacey background. 

There you have my first run at reverse stamped nails. Have a great rest of the weekend. Talk to you soon. Be safe and stay well! I leave you with Miss Betty, Mr. Kitty and Princess Pebbles currently beside me on the couch. I love being surrounded by kitties, it makes my heart happy :) 
Polish & Purrs, 

Smelly Melly 

Have you loved your cuticles today? 

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