Sunday, August 23, 2020

Reverse Holo Stamping

Happy Sunday Loves, 

Hope you are having a good weekend. I am, it's been a weekend of not doing a whole lot. Did some very light cleaning, painted some rocks and did my nails last night when my sister was here. Today will be pretty lazy too. Just some movies, videos, some reading and hanging with the kitties :) A purrfect weekend in my book. 

Today I have some more reverse stamping. I am loving doing this now that I started doing it. Still need more practice transferring them to my nails but I am loving this stamping technique. I decided to add a holo top coat too since I had not done that in quite a while and I am feeling lately like doing holo so be prepared for more holo going forward :) 

My base is Essie "Love-Fate Relationship". The images are from Uber Chic 14-03 plate. I colored the images in with Essie "Talk Sweet to Me", Essie "U'V Got Me Faded", Essie "Suite You Swell", Essie "Throw In the Towel" and Essie "Feeling Wellies". I put a coat of Starlight Polish "Make It Sparkle" on top of the stamped nails and on the rest is one coat of Starlight Polish "Starlight", love this holo top coat, it's a good one in my opinion, makes your creme polish SO HOLO :) :) :)  

Here's my nails in all their holo glory before stamping, so so holo, I love this topcoat!!!!!

Love-Fate Relationship on it's own. This is such a pretty vampy shade, more Fall then Summer, but I am feeling in the mood for Fall lately :) 

There you have my reverse stamped holo goodness nails. I like the way these turned out, I think they are pretty :) 

Have a great rest of Sunday. Talk soon. I leave you with King Dino looking so cute and handsome on our seriously beat up outside chair cushion. We realllllly need to replace these stat, lol :) No one sits on them tho except for the cats so there is that, ha ha. 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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