Monday, February 8, 2021

Things I Love...Nail Polish & Nail Stamping ❤

Happy Monday my loves, 

It's a new week! Hope your week is starting out well. Mine is ok, work was not too bad for a Monday!

Today I just have a quick post. I'm in some pain today with my hips. Last year my hips started really bothering me. It's arthritis and I am going to have to bite the bullet soon and go get them checked out, ugh. Getting old is not fun, sigh.

I am going to be doing a series beginning with today's mani for "things I love". It fits to begin this with the Valentines Day holiday coming up. I do not buy into the whole one day to show your love commercialized nonsense, I think you should show love every day. I do, however, love hearts and pink, so thought it would be fun to do this series leading up to the love nonsense day, lol. It will go past Valentines Day so keep watch for more to come :) For the first in this series I have some super cute nail polish bottles and stamper stamping since as you well know I LOVE nail polish and nail stamping. Since this is a nail blog I feel it is most appropriate to begin with nail polish love themed nails! I am absolutely in love with these nails and these images make me so happy. This plate has several adorable nail polish and nail related emoji images on it and it is just so cute. Hope you like this mani too  ❤

My bases are ILNP "My Little Glacier" (thumb, index  & pinkie) and Starrily "Magic Rainbow" (ring & middle). I stamped using Whats Up Nails "Neither Noir" stamping polish for the outlines with Maniology Kawaii Emoji BM-XL325 and Bundle Monster Classic Beauty BM-XL355 plates. I colored the images in with a Twinkled T pink, Maniology "Monarch Dream", Maniology "Rave Babe" and Funky Fingers "Gesso" polishes. On top of my thumb and pinkies I  put one coat of Pacifica "Rainbow Gloss Top Coat" to finish.

ILNP "My Little Glacier" (thumb, index  & pinkie) and Starrily "Magic Rainbow" (ring & middle) on their own, so pretty together! 

That's it for today. I'm going to be whiney and yuck the rest of the night with my hips, bah...

Talk soon and have a great week 😍

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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