Sunday, August 8, 2021

Ants Marching

Hello my friends, 

I hope you are doing well and life is good. It is not so happy my way. This past Wednesday I had to have my 26 year old horse Dusty Bucks put down. He had been having issues lying down and then struggling to get up since early this past Winter due to severe arthritis. My mom, sister and myself knew it was the beginning of the end then. He had a really hard time getting up after being down a week prior to the day he was put down and we knew that the next time he went down after that that he was not going to be able to get up again. It's something horse people just know. So, we made that difficult decision and the vet came and humanely euthanized him.

He went very peacefully. My heart is broken in a billion pieces and I am not okay but I will be. I am so sad and empty inside right now. Losing him ends an era of horse ownership for my family. It is weird and sad. This is the first time in my life that I am not a horse owner. My horse life is not over though as I do have many horse friends and volunteer at horse shows. I am thankful for that. I can't believe my sweet boy is gone, sigh.

I did my nails this morning to distract my brain for a bit and chose to do these super cute ants at a picnic nails. I never thought I would enjoy ants on my nails the way I am these. I think they are adorable 😍

My bases are Polished for Days Impressive Wingspan (ring & pinkies) and Polish Me Silly Ruby Slippers (thumb, index & middle). I stamped using Maniology MXM037 plate with Maniology and Twinkled T stamping polishes. 

That's it. Have a happy Sunday, talk soon. Here is one of the last pictures I took of Dusty about a week and a half prior to him passing. He was a great horse and I miss him so much. This sucks. I will be doing nails for him at some point. I just don't know when. RIP my dear sweet boy ❤
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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