Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Pool Toy Fun

Happy Tuesday Loves, 

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and life is good. It is okay my way. We had more sadness in my family this past Friday. My mom had to have her old dog put down and that was extremely sad and so soon after my horse so it has been hard for us. Saturday I volunteered at a horse show and my mom came over to the show so that was fun. Other than that not much has been going on. 

I can't believe Summer is almost over. This Summer has gone so fast for me. I am actually looking forward to Fall this year. This Summer has been so hot, humid, wet and muggy so I so ready for cooler temperatures and hoodies! 

I have a few more Summer nail looks in mind to do yet for this year. Today I went with some fun pool toy stamping. I am not really much of a pool or water person but if I am in a pool I want to be chilling or floating on a raft. My thing is I hate being wet so water is not for me. That being said I do enjoy being by water just don't want to be in it. I enjoy listening to water and watching it also. I think pool toy rafts are adorable though and I think these came out so cute! 

My bases are ILNP Music Box (thumb, middle & pinkies) and Different Dimension All Of the Stars (index & ring). I stamped using Dixie Plates Summer 02 and Summer 03 plates with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

That's it for today. Have a great night, talk soon.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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