Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Creepy Doll Head Garden at Sunset

Hello loves, 

Super quick post today. It's been a long day back to work after a five day weekend for me. I did these super creepy cute doll head planters yesterday since my camp nails were chipped in three places. I am in love with these. They are awesomely creepy! The plate is a ghoulish garden themed one and I am so here for it. You will see it used again for sure!

My bases are Polished For Days Peppermint (shimmer) and Holo Taco Private Villa (flakie shimmer). I stamped using Maniology M324 plate with different stamping polishes to color the images. 

That's all for today. Have a great night. Here's Miss Betty so happy mommy was home from camp and we could snuggle. I love my little girl so much 💓 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, May 29, 2023

Camp Life

Happy Monday, 

Today remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedoms. 

Casey, my brother and myself were at camp this weekend. We had an amazing time as usual at camp. 

These were my camp nails. I turned a bus image into our bus. I think they came out great. The gnomes and camp chairs are too cute too!

My bases are Potion Polish Dusk (shimmer) and Boobird Lacquer Skelebrate Goid Times, C'mon! (flakie). I stamped using Clear Jelly Stamper CJS-265, CYO x Maniology M101 and Beauty Big Bang Silhouette-XL-002 plates with different stamping polishes. 

Here are some pics I took over the weekend.

That's all for today. Have a great day. Talk soon.

Polish & Purrs, 


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Whimsical Spring Flower Garden

Happy Sunday loves, 

Quick post today. I have had a busy weekend doing stuff for the next horse shows, hung out with friends yesterday and my cousin is coming over for a bit later today.

Today I have these too adorable whimsical nails. I love these and think they are too cute ❤️

My bases are Nailed It Gloss Boss (shimmer) and Rogue Lacquer Adventureland (flakie). I stamped using Uber Chic Spring Kawaii Layers plate with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great Sunday, talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, May 13, 2023

First Horse Show of 2023

Happy Caturday loves, 

Tomorrow is the first horse show of the season that I volunteer at. I help out in numerous ways from helping in the show office and manning the gate on show days to cleaning the bathrooms, putting award ribbon sets together, painting and other such things to help. 

I feel it is my way of giving back now since so many people did so much back in my own horse showing days. It's fun and I love being around horses and horse people especially since I am no longer a horse owner since losing my last horse two years ago. This gives me my horse fix without owning one now days.

Here's my first horsey themed nails of the year. I am loving these. They turned out really nice I think!

My bases are Polished For Days Over the Moon (shimmer) and Nailed It The Last Holiday (flakie). I stamped using Moyra 51 Friends plate with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great night, talk soon 😘

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Let's Get Trashed!!!!!!

Happy Sunday loves, 

I hope you are well. I am good. Yesterday I had the monthly cat and dog vaccine clinic I volunteer at and then Casey and I went and did some painting at the horse show grounds that I volunteer at. It was a good day but I was tired at the end. So today I am just relaxing and chilling out. 

Today's nails are from such a funny and punny plate I've been wanting to use for a while now. I love the silly images on it, it makes me laugh and I am so happy to have this plate especially with all the possums it has on it as I love possums dearly. I think they are so cute and they have an important job in nature to do cleaning up garbage. I think these are cute 😍 

My bases are Polished For Days Caligo (shimmer) and Zombie Claw Equestrian Mistress (flakie). I stamped using Manitude Trash Course plate with different stamping polishes and Bluebird Lacquer Where'd You Get Those Peepers. 

That's it for today. Have a great Sunday, talk soon! I leave you with the cutest kitty in the whole world, Miss Betty, my heart, my love kitty. I just can't with her cute 💗 I love her so much. She is my baby girl!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, May 4, 2023

May the 4th Be With You!!!

Happy Star Wars Day!!!!

I'm excited to share these today. Last year I received the Star Wars plates I had ordered on June 4th, lol. So, this is the first year I am doing Star Wars nails ever. For me I love the original trilogy of movies. I saw them all in the theater as a kid. R2D2 and C3PO were two of my favorite characters so I decided on them for my first go at Star Wars nails. Next year I will do ewoks, which are my favorite characters of the movies, and Yoda, who I love too!

My bases are K.B Shimmer Wrap It Up (shimmer) and Pahlish The Bonesmith (flakie). I stamped using Mundo de Unas Star Wars 1, 2 and 3 plates with different stamping polishes.

That's it for today. Have a great May the 4th Be With You! Talk soon!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?