Saturday, May 13, 2023

First Horse Show of 2023

Happy Caturday loves, 

Tomorrow is the first horse show of the season that I volunteer at. I help out in numerous ways from helping in the show office and manning the gate on show days to cleaning the bathrooms, putting award ribbon sets together, painting and other such things to help. 

I feel it is my way of giving back now since so many people did so much back in my own horse showing days. It's fun and I love being around horses and horse people especially since I am no longer a horse owner since losing my last horse two years ago. This gives me my horse fix without owning one now days.

Here's my first horsey themed nails of the year. I am loving these. They turned out really nice I think!

My bases are Polished For Days Over the Moon (shimmer) and Nailed It The Last Holiday (flakie). I stamped using Moyra 51 Friends plate with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great night, talk soon 😘

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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