Thursday, August 17, 2023

Black Cat Day 2023

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day 2023!!!

Today is my favorite holiday of the year, it's Black Cat Appreciation Day, YAY!!! Black cats are my entire heart and soul when it comes to cats. I love, love, love black cats. There is just something about them and their wonderful personalities that I am so in love with. I have had numerous black cats over the years and will always have a black cat or two in my life. I cannot be without one or life really has an empty spot for me. Currently my black cats are my heart and soul kitty Miss Betty and Pebbles. The ones that have passed one have been Dino, Bam Bam, Fred and Barney. I love them all deeply, they had the best personalities and were all just awesome kitties. Barney was the one that I thought I would never have another of until I got my female version in Miss Betty. The bond him and I had is the same bond that Miss Betty and I have and I know that Barney had a paw in putting Miss Betty and I together in this time period in life. I miss each and every one that has gone to Rainbow Bridge so much every day! Black cats are my soul. I hate that black cats have had so many superstitions and myths surrounding them. Everyone (deserving) should be owned by at least one black cat their lives to truly understand how amazing black cats are!  

My bases are Uber Chic Heart-breaker (linear holo) and Pahlish Lotus (flakie holo). I stamped using Lantern and Wren Say, It's Halloween, Lina Spookalicious 03, Uber Chic Halloween 03 and B. Loves Plates B.09 Spooky Halloween plates with black stamping polishes. 

Here are the black cats in my heart. This is Miss Betty, the love of my life. She is my baby baby girl. I love her more than anything in this world! This will forever be one of my favorite pictures of her, she is so cute :) 
Princess Pebbles, she is so gorgeous and is a really good sweet little lady! 
Now onto my beloved boys that have gone to Rainbow Bridge. First up is my boy King Dino. He was the best most handsome man that had so much class. I miss him so much.
Bam Bam, he was such a sweet boy and loved attention from everyone. He was a huge and was the biggest cat I have ever had, he was awesome! 
Fred, he was the quirkiest funniest strange (in the best way possible) cat. He brought many laughs to me and many others thru is antics. He was great! 
Barney, he was the love of my life kitty back in the 90's when he was alive. The bond we had was so strong and unbreakable. I never thought I'd have that with a kitty again until Miss Betty. 
There you have my black cats. Black cats are the BEST! Appreciate a black cat today and every day, I know I sure do 🐈‍⬛

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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