Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blog-a-B-Day/Blogiversary Dots, Dots, Dots!!!

Happy Wednesday friends,

Hope you are well and your week is going good.  Today's date marks the second birthday or blog-a-b-day and the anniversary or blogiversary for my blog.  Two years ago today I finally did it and began my journey into my little nail polish corner of the interwebs with this blog. I'm so glad I did it and have stuck with it and will continue to stick with it.  It's been nice to have a place to journal my nails, talk about nails and I hope inspire others through my nails and nail polish.  I also enjoy talking about and showing pics of the kitties and sharing other bits and pieces of my life here too. It's a great outlet for me and I do really enjoy having this blog.  One of the things that I love to regularly check are my blog's stats.  I love seeing all the different countries that people have viewed my blog and posts in.  It makes me feel really good to know that I have people checking out my blog all the world over, it's fun. I truly do appreciate every single reader I have whether a regular reader or the occasional visitor to this blog.  I don't feel like I am writing to just me and that's a good things, lol :)  So, thank you to everyone that reads this blog and has stuck by me the last two years!!! Here's to many more fun nail adventures to me and to Melly's Musings in the years to come, yay!!!

So, I originally was going to do some cupcake and b-day type nails, but, didn't have a chance to.  Casey and I went to the bus camping in the mountains this past weekend and then the last two nights I've been getting stuff together for our regional Burning Man event next week, so, nails have taken the back burner till tomorrow night.  So, my blog day nails are some dots I did a couple of weeks ago and since dotticures are some of my very favorite nails to do I think these nails are good for my milestone blog day today.  Hope you like them.  I love the way this mani turned out, so pretty and cool looking I think :)

I started with a base of OPI "Pamplona Purple", then dotted using Essie "Groove Is In the Heart", Essie "Make Some Noise" and Essie "Vibrant Vibes", then did a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the dots. The glitter accent is LA Girl "Extra! Extra!" and then did a coat of China Glaze "Don't Mesh With Me" on my thumb and pinky nails.  I love "Don't Mesh With Me" on top of "Pamplona Purple".  It was so pretty and so sparkly :)

Pamplona Purple on it's own.  I love this polish and have had it for many years now.
That's it for tonight, it's getting late and I am getting tired.  Have a great rest of the night and thank you again to all that come and check out my blog, it means a lot to me :)

Today's feel good is: "Be curious, you'll have the best adventures."

I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino.  I love this pic so much of them together, it's so cute :)

Talk soon loves!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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