Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!!!

Hello Loves & Happy Halloween,

Hope your Monday and Halloween is going well.  Mine is okay, work was okay today, then I stayed after work and cleaned the office since I do that every two weeks now since our old cleaning people sucked, they didn't do anything and the office was never really cleaned, so, I am the new cleaning lady :)  Ended up not going to paint faces and nails yesterday.  As the day was going on I started to feel pretty crappy, not sure if it's from the flu shot I got on Friday or if I am just getting sick and today I still feel blah, so, going to actually go to bed as soon as I get this post done and read a book till I fall asleep.  I hate being sick, it's not fun, sigh.

So, not much else to say tonight since I don't feel good so here are my Halloween nails I did over the weekend.  I totally dig these :)

I started with a base of OPI "Parlez-Vous OPI?", then sponged on China Glaze "Recycle" and Essie "Now and Zen", then stamped using Sinful Colors "Black on Black" and Winstonia Plate W116 and Bundle Monster Plate BM-S246.  I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on only my ring fingers with the haunted house.  The glitter accent is Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Glare Necessities".

Parlez-Vous OPI? on it's own.  This is one of my favorite OPI colors ever, it's such a pretty one. 

That's it for today, have a great rest of the night.

Here's your feel good for today:

"Surround yourself with people who embrace your sparkle."

I LOVE this one and it's what you should do for sure :)

I leave you with two of my black cats on this Halloween day, Miss Betty and Dino.  I LOVE these pics of them :)  Talk soon.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sooper Dooper Scary Monsters!

Happy Dead Day and Halloween Eve Loves,

Hello my friends.  Hope you are doing well.  I am doing okay.  I've been enjoying my three day weekend "staycation" at home since Friday.  When I got home from the doctor on Friday I did all my cleaning and laundry so then yesterday I was able to do my nails and have a lazy day with the kitties and watched a ton of scary movies on TV and between AMC's Fear Fest and SciFi's 31 Days of Halloween there's been no shortage of scary movies on this Halloween weekend.

Today Casey gets home from huntin' in Potter County, PA with my brother and Dad's friend, Pat. Hopefully he got a turkey and we can eat one soon :)  Later on today I am going to my Mom's church's Fall Festival event they have and Mom and me are painting faces and nails.  I've been doing this the last 4 years or so and it's always a good time.  She takes the dog with too and people always enjoy that . Then tonight it's Walking Dead time again, yay :) :)

So, when I was at the doctor's on Friday, I somehow let them talk me into getting a flu shot.  I've never had one in my life and not sure if I should have or not since I've kinda felt like shit since.  I've been feeling almost flu-ish, ick, but, I guess that can happen with them.  I am one of those people that are on the fence about certain vaccines, not all, but certain ones and I am not sure I will want to get another one after this one and my arm is so sore where I got it too, ugh,  We shall see and I don't really get sick that often to begin with so, who knows if I'll get one again. I do know I don't like feeling like this right now tho', ugh.

I only got to do two different Halloween manis this year, somehow the month kinda got away from me and went really, really fast, so, I did these ones I am showing today and the ones I will post tomorrow for Halloween day.  These sooper dooper scary monsters I did last week after I took my Walking Dead nails off and I love these so much.  They turned out so stinkin' cute I think and I am really happy with these.  Hopefully they aren't too frightening and don't scare you too much, LOL :) :) :)  Hope you enjoy them as much as I did doing them and wearing them :)

My base for these was Funky Fingers "Vibe with Me".  I used a bunch of different polishes I didn't write down and nail art brushes and dotting tools to draw the monsters, then I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of them all to finish. I heart these hard :)


That's it for today.  Have a great day, enjoy it and Happy Dead Day, yay.

I leave you with Casey's kitty, Miss Gypsy.  She's such a pretty girl and she's become totally one of the kids too.  She's really happy hear and loves having brothers and sisters around.

Your feel good for today is:

"Follow your heart."

Talk to you all tomorrow!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Apples, Apples, Apples! (TWD Spoiler also)

Happy Thursday Love Bugs,

Hope you are well and that the week is treating you well. My week has been alright.  I did have to have my alternator replaced in my car tho', so, that sucked and 450 dollars later, ugh, but, it could have been way worse, so, I'll take it, damn cars!!!

So, I haven't posted since Sunday when I posted my Walking Dead nails and holy shit, the season premiere, just, wow!!!  It was seriously intense and we did lose two of our beloved also.  We lost both Abraham and Glenn to Negan and his bat, Lucille.  It was hard to watch and really hard seeing Negan break Rick Grimes down like he did and seeing our group broken like that, it sucked.  I am looking forward to the development of the group now that things have taken this turn and now that Negan is in charge.  And, damn, I am going to so love to hate Negan too, he's nutso.  All the actors did such an amazing job acting as well and that was awesome to see.  This season is going to get way crazy I do believe, crazy good, that is :)  I sure will miss both of them, especially the "Abrahamisms", they were fantastic, that's for sure, but, it IS a show about the zombie apocalypse and we know that people will die.  I miss a lot of the characters that have died in the show, Hershel, Dale, Beth, Noah, Amy, Tyreese and hell, even Lori and Andrea sometimes, lol. RIP Abe and Glenn, sniffle, sniffle, I'll miss you both, I loved you both. It's crazy how emotionally invested you can get with a show, that's good writing in my opinion and I do indeed LOVE me some Walking Dead!

Enough about Walking Dead for now, it's onto the nails.  These nails I did a couple weeks ago as part of my Fall nails.  I did some apples, a regular apple, a candy apple and a caramel apple.  I think these turned out really, really cute. They were fun to do and even more fun to wear the time I had them on.  They also made me hungry for a caramel apple and now writing about them, it's making me hungry again for a caramel apple.  I'll need to remedy that soon.  Caramel apples and apple cider are two of the things I look forward to every Fall :) Hope you like them as much as I do :)

I did a base of China Glaze "Something Sweet", then used a bunch of different polishes that I was too lazy to write down, lol, and nail art brushes to paint the apples.  The glitter accent is Wet 'n Wild "Rebel Without a Claus".

Something Sweet on it's own.  This is such a pretty pastel pink, I love it. 
And, there ya' got my apples, yay :)  I did some really, really, really scary monsters that I will get posted in the next day or so.  I am having a staycation this weekend.  I have off tomorrow and Casey is going to be a mighty hunter with my brother and my Dad's last man standing buddy, so, I am on my own.  It will be nice. I'll tell you about my weekend as I post, hoping to get mostly caught up on blog posts this weekend, so, you'll hear from me at least two more times this staycation, I hope :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Just smile!"

This one rocks :) :) :) :)

That's it for tonight.  I've got to go to the doc first thing in the morning, getting a physical, oh joy, then I'll be coming home and figuring out what I'm going to to do then.  Have a great rest of the night, I'll talk to you all soon :)

Here's Casey and kitties catnapping one day, it's so cute.  That's Mr. Kitty, Dino and Miss Betty :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gonna Love To Hate NEGAN!!!!!

Happy Walking Dead, Yay,

It's here, it's FINALLY here, The Walking Dead is back tonight!!!!  It's the season 7 premiere tonight and I am so excited!!!!  This has been a long ass week and an even longer ass last six months waiting until today.  We are definitely losing a beloved or two, as the rumors have it, of our cast of characters tonight.  It's going to be a really hard episode to watch and I can't wait!!!!  At least we've had the marathon they've been playing on AMC all last weekend and this past week and this weekend, so, there's that, LOL :)  And, in case you don't know already, I am a major Walking Deadhead.  I love this show so much and love zombies in general and the writing in this show is just brilliant writing.  I love The Walking Dead!!!!

So, for my nails I wanted to do some that include a bit of the new enemy coming to the show, Negan. If you watch TWD, you already know who he is and how horrible he is going to be.  He's going to make the Governor look like a saint I think and I loved to hate the Governor, but, I see myself loving to hate Negan even more.  He has a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire  named Lucille that he uses to bash heads in and he's going to be pure evil.  He's played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and I do believe that he's going to do a great job of playing Negan and we are all going to love to hate him so much, plus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is one sexy mo'fo, so, there's that too :)  Here's a pic of Negan and Lucille I snagged off the interwebs.

So, for tonight's premiere I present to you my "Gonna Love To Hate Negan" nails.  I did a base of China Glaze "Recycle", then sponged a couple other gray polishes on that I did not bother to write down and then sponged another too lazy to write it down red on top and then stamped the Rick, Abraham, zombies and Walking Dead on using Uber Chic's "Zombie Love" and Major Dijit 12 plates.  Then I used a nail art brush to write "Negan" on my thumb nail and draw Lucille on my middle finger nails.  Lucille did not come out the way I had envisioned it on my nails, but, it's still okay I think. It was harder than I imagined drawing a bat on my nails, LOL.  But, I still totally dig these nails either way even if Lucille doesn't really look that much like a bat, ha ha  :)

I love the way Rick and Abraham are shooting at Lucille on that hand.  I sadly suspect that we are losing Abraham tonight, which sucks, cuz' I LOVE his silly crazy one liners and will miss them so. I also think we are going to lose Glenn tonight too, sniffle, sniffle.  In the comics Glenn does get Lucilled, so, we shall see if that happens tonight.  Here you go:

There you have my season premiere nails.  I'm going to spend the day watching the marathon off and on (I still have those mundane daily chores to do today, lol) until tonight when the premiere comes on.  I'll be watching it with Casey and my sister, Tina, who's birthday is today and we are making her a b-day dinner and then she's staying to hang out and watch it with us.  She normally doesn't watch it unless she's here with me and we've got it on, but, what she's seen, she's liked, so, here's to hoping tonight is the final push she needs to get hooked herself on my beloved Walking Dead.

Here's your feel good for today, I love this one hard:

"Think happy, be happy."

I still have other nails to get posted and this week I'm starting my Halloween nails, can't wait to do them.  Halloween is my favorite holiday, it's so fun and spooky :)

I leave you with Mr. Kitty, isn't he such a cutie!!!  He's a really good cat and I am so happy he's in my life.  He's my buddy :)

Grab your tissues, grab a friend or significant other, a pet and maybe some booze for tonight.  It's going to be a tough one!!!!

Talk to you all sometime this coming week.  Have a great Sunday and Happy Dead Day, YAY!!!!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hello friends.  I hope today is treating you well.  My day was alright, an okay work day, then I stayed after work and cleaned our office.  We got rid of our old cleaning lady because she didn't really do anything and I decided that I'd rather have that extra cash each month and actually clean the office, so, today was my first day as "official" office cleaning lady :)

So, this week is going to just go so, so, so slow for me, ONLY 5 more days until The Walking Dead season premiere and I cannot wait, I just can't wait.  I've been watching the marathon on and off since Sunday and am watching it now while I write this post.  Tomorrow night I am going to be doing my premiere nails and I am so excited to do them, yay :)  And, only 5 more days, yay, I am getting so damn antsy right now!!  At least I got the marathon on all week and this coming weekend to get thru till Sunday night :)

Tonight I have some Fall pumpkins I did this past weekend.  I love these.  I think they came out so dern cute.  Hope you like them too :)

I did a base of Orly "Jealous Much?", then used nail art brushes to draw the big pumpkins.  For the small ones I used a dotting tool and a nail art brush.  For the pumpkins I used the following polishes: Sally Hansen Extreme "Sun Kissed", OPI "Where Did Suzi's Mango?" and China Glaze "Starboard" with a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top.  The glitter accent is China Glaze "Electrify".

Jealous Much? on it's own. 
That's it for tonight.  I'm going to take a hot bath after cleaning today, watching some more Walking Dead and chill the rest of the night.  I'll try to post again tomorrow night maybe to get a bit more caught up since I am behind with my blog posts right now.

Here's your feel good quote for today :)

"Breathe and believe."

I leave you with my old fart kitty, Buster, looking pretty.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall Is Here!

Happy Sunday Love Bugs,

Hope you are all having a super fantastic weekend.  Mine has been pretty good.  Yesterday I cleaned all day, then Casey and I went a local Farmers Fair, had some really good fair food and watched the parade with his family.  It was a fun time.  Today I've been putting the rest of our stuff away from our Burning Man regional event we were at last weekend.  It was really rainy and muddy all day on Saturday into Sunday so it was a mess coming home and drying out and cleaning everything, but, it's okay, it was still a really fun and good burn.  I also did some pumpkin nails today that I'll show this coming week and have been watching The Walking Dead marathon on AMC today that's on all day since next Sunday is the season 7 premiere that I can't wait for.  I seriously cannot wait.  Who did Negan kill, you'll know what I'm talking about if you watch the show.  I love Walking Dead so much and am so ready for my Sunday night walkers and my beloved Walking Dead characters to be back, yay.  Although it's going to be really hard cuz' not just 1, but, probably 2, of our our TWD family is dying next week, sniffle, sniffle!!!!  Then tonight is a special Walking Dead show with the cast and crew talking about the show from beginning to now, so, that's the rest of my weekend, well, maybe a bath thrown in there somewhere too :)

The week prior to PDF (our event we were at last weekend) I did my first Fall nails of the year and I did some leaves and trees.  I was so very happy with how these came out and wore them over a week even, gasp, LOL :)  I have a few more Fall manis in mind that I want to do yet this year and get posted.  Hope you enjoy these nails as much as I did :)

I started with a base of Essie "High Class Affair", then used nail art brushes to draw the leaves and trees and the following polishes: China Glaze "Hey Sailor", China Glaze "Life Preserver", China Glaze "Mahogany Magic", OPI "Need Sunglasses?" and China Glaze "Community".  The glitter accent is China Glaze "Bring on the Bubbly".  I love these, especially the trees, they came out so flippin' cool, I think :)

High Class Affair on it's own.
That's it for today.  I'm planning on getting a bit caught up on my blog posts this coming week.  I've got a bit of a back log right now with nails to post on here, so, you'll talk to me soon, soon this coming week.

I leave you with Casey, Mr. Kitty and Betty from a few weeks ago when we got back from camping up in Potter County at the bus.  They were so happy we go home :)

Your feel good quote for today is:

"Reflect what you desire."

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?