Thursday, October 27, 2016

Apples, Apples, Apples! (TWD Spoiler also)

Happy Thursday Love Bugs,

Hope you are well and that the week is treating you well. My week has been alright.  I did have to have my alternator replaced in my car tho', so, that sucked and 450 dollars later, ugh, but, it could have been way worse, so, I'll take it, damn cars!!!

So, I haven't posted since Sunday when I posted my Walking Dead nails and holy shit, the season premiere, just, wow!!!  It was seriously intense and we did lose two of our beloved also.  We lost both Abraham and Glenn to Negan and his bat, Lucille.  It was hard to watch and really hard seeing Negan break Rick Grimes down like he did and seeing our group broken like that, it sucked.  I am looking forward to the development of the group now that things have taken this turn and now that Negan is in charge.  And, damn, I am going to so love to hate Negan too, he's nutso.  All the actors did such an amazing job acting as well and that was awesome to see.  This season is going to get way crazy I do believe, crazy good, that is :)  I sure will miss both of them, especially the "Abrahamisms", they were fantastic, that's for sure, but, it IS a show about the zombie apocalypse and we know that people will die.  I miss a lot of the characters that have died in the show, Hershel, Dale, Beth, Noah, Amy, Tyreese and hell, even Lori and Andrea sometimes, lol. RIP Abe and Glenn, sniffle, sniffle, I'll miss you both, I loved you both. It's crazy how emotionally invested you can get with a show, that's good writing in my opinion and I do indeed LOVE me some Walking Dead!

Enough about Walking Dead for now, it's onto the nails.  These nails I did a couple weeks ago as part of my Fall nails.  I did some apples, a regular apple, a candy apple and a caramel apple.  I think these turned out really, really cute. They were fun to do and even more fun to wear the time I had them on.  They also made me hungry for a caramel apple and now writing about them, it's making me hungry again for a caramel apple.  I'll need to remedy that soon.  Caramel apples and apple cider are two of the things I look forward to every Fall :) Hope you like them as much as I do :)

I did a base of China Glaze "Something Sweet", then used a bunch of different polishes that I was too lazy to write down, lol, and nail art brushes to paint the apples.  The glitter accent is Wet 'n Wild "Rebel Without a Claus".

Something Sweet on it's own.  This is such a pretty pastel pink, I love it. 
And, there ya' got my apples, yay :)  I did some really, really, really scary monsters that I will get posted in the next day or so.  I am having a staycation this weekend.  I have off tomorrow and Casey is going to be a mighty hunter with my brother and my Dad's last man standing buddy, so, I am on my own.  It will be nice. I'll tell you about my weekend as I post, hoping to get mostly caught up on blog posts this weekend, so, you'll hear from me at least two more times this staycation, I hope :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Just smile!"

This one rocks :) :) :) :)

That's it for tonight.  I've got to go to the doc first thing in the morning, getting a physical, oh joy, then I'll be coming home and figuring out what I'm going to to do then.  Have a great rest of the night, I'll talk to you all soon :)

Here's Casey and kitties catnapping one day, it's so cute.  That's Mr. Kitty, Dino and Miss Betty :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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