Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gonna Love To Hate NEGAN!!!!!

Happy Walking Dead, Yay,

It's here, it's FINALLY here, The Walking Dead is back tonight!!!!  It's the season 7 premiere tonight and I am so excited!!!!  This has been a long ass week and an even longer ass last six months waiting until today.  We are definitely losing a beloved or two, as the rumors have it, of our cast of characters tonight.  It's going to be a really hard episode to watch and I can't wait!!!!  At least we've had the marathon they've been playing on AMC all last weekend and this past week and this weekend, so, there's that, LOL :)  And, in case you don't know already, I am a major Walking Deadhead.  I love this show so much and love zombies in general and the writing in this show is just brilliant writing.  I love The Walking Dead!!!!

So, for my nails I wanted to do some that include a bit of the new enemy coming to the show, Negan. If you watch TWD, you already know who he is and how horrible he is going to be.  He's going to make the Governor look like a saint I think and I loved to hate the Governor, but, I see myself loving to hate Negan even more.  He has a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire  named Lucille that he uses to bash heads in and he's going to be pure evil.  He's played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and I do believe that he's going to do a great job of playing Negan and we are all going to love to hate him so much, plus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is one sexy mo'fo, so, there's that too :)  Here's a pic of Negan and Lucille I snagged off the interwebs.

So, for tonight's premiere I present to you my "Gonna Love To Hate Negan" nails.  I did a base of China Glaze "Recycle", then sponged a couple other gray polishes on that I did not bother to write down and then sponged another too lazy to write it down red on top and then stamped the Rick, Abraham, zombies and Walking Dead on using Uber Chic's "Zombie Love" and Major Dijit 12 plates.  Then I used a nail art brush to write "Negan" on my thumb nail and draw Lucille on my middle finger nails.  Lucille did not come out the way I had envisioned it on my nails, but, it's still okay I think. It was harder than I imagined drawing a bat on my nails, LOL.  But, I still totally dig these nails either way even if Lucille doesn't really look that much like a bat, ha ha  :)

I love the way Rick and Abraham are shooting at Lucille on that hand.  I sadly suspect that we are losing Abraham tonight, which sucks, cuz' I LOVE his silly crazy one liners and will miss them so. I also think we are going to lose Glenn tonight too, sniffle, sniffle.  In the comics Glenn does get Lucilled, so, we shall see if that happens tonight.  Here you go:

There you have my season premiere nails.  I'm going to spend the day watching the marathon off and on (I still have those mundane daily chores to do today, lol) until tonight when the premiere comes on.  I'll be watching it with Casey and my sister, Tina, who's birthday is today and we are making her a b-day dinner and then she's staying to hang out and watch it with us.  She normally doesn't watch it unless she's here with me and we've got it on, but, what she's seen, she's liked, so, here's to hoping tonight is the final push she needs to get hooked herself on my beloved Walking Dead.

Here's your feel good for today, I love this one hard:

"Think happy, be happy."

I still have other nails to get posted and this week I'm starting my Halloween nails, can't wait to do them.  Halloween is my favorite holiday, it's so fun and spooky :)

I leave you with Mr. Kitty, isn't he such a cutie!!!  He's a really good cat and I am so happy he's in my life.  He's my buddy :)

Grab your tissues, grab a friend or significant other, a pet and maybe some booze for tonight.  It's going to be a tough one!!!!

Talk to you all sometime this coming week.  Have a great Sunday and Happy Dead Day, YAY!!!!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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