Saturday, April 1, 2017

Cats (and Horses) on Happy Caturday!

Happy Caturday Loves,

Hello friends, hope you are well and enjoying your weekend.  I've been battling a bad head cold since this past Monday but other than that okay.  Got up this morning and cleaned the apartment.  Tonight Casey and I are going to a family reunion of his.  That will be fun and there's always really good food at his family functions so I am so looking forward to that.

It's also Walking Dead season finale tomorrow night, sniffle, sniffle.  I hate the time between seasons, it's so long!!  Not sure if I am doing any nails for it or not or if I am going to just keep on doing my Easter nails that I've started this past week.  You will find out tomorrow when I post then :)

Today's nails are some stamping I did a couple of weeks ago of my two favorite animals, cats and horses.  I think these came out really cute, hope you like them too :)

My base is China Glaze "Too Much of A Good Fling". I stamped using Creative Shop Plate 26 with China Glaze "Delight" and Kleancolor "Metallic Black". The glitter accent is Sally Girl "Skull".  I then put a coat of Starlight Polish "Farore" on my thumb and pinky to finish.

Too Much of A Good Fling on it's own.  Just got this one recently. It's in China Glaze's current Spring collection out now 
That's it for today.  Your feel good for today is:

"If you don't like something, change it."

This is so true and something we should probably all listen to a bit more.

I leave you with the black cats, Miss Bett, Princess Pebbles and Dino :)

Enjoy the rest of your Caturday and I'll talk to you soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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