Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Nick & Leah Wedding Nails

Happy Tuesday My Loves,

Hope your week is going good!  Mine is okay.  Not feeling 100% today, my allergies are kicking my butt so bad today, this year around here has been just awful with allergies and I am so over feeling blah cuz' of pollen, ugh.  Oh well, it is what it is and I just gotta deal with it, but grrrrr.....anyways!

Today I finally have the nails I did from back in the beginning of May when I was in two of my best friends' wedding.  Nick and Leah are such amazing and good people and I was truly so honored and SO HAPPY to have been a part of their big day.  It was such a nice wedding and I wish them nothing by happiness together the rest of their days since they both rock so much :) I love them both to pieces :)

My base was OPI "Do You Have This Color In Stockholm?".  I then stamped using China Glaze "Harmony" with MoYou Pro Collection  "XL-09" and Bundle Monster "Classic Beauty BM-XL355" plates.  The glitter is Kleancolor "Purple Glitter".  I put one coat of Color Club "Pearl-spective" on my pinky and thumb to finish these nails.  What better than hearts for some wedding nails.  These were really pretty I think :)

Do You Have This Color In Stockholm? on it's own.  It's way more purple in real life, my camera has such a hard time with purples. 
That's it for today. Today's feel good is really good for my wedding nails and is:

"Do all the things with love."

Isn't this one great?  I love it!!!

Here's the wedding party in this pic.  That's me third in from the left. It was nice that Leah had us pick out our own style of dress as long as it was purple :)

Have a great rest of the night and I'll chat at you soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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