Thursday, June 1, 2017

Plaid Nails

Happy Thursday Loves,

Long time no talky.  The month of May was super busy for me so I've been seriously slacking on blog posts the last month.  I only posted once the entire month of May.  The first weekend in May two of my best friends' got married and I was in the wedding, still have to post those nails.  It just seemed that every weekend was busy doing something, then I got sick for a couple of weeks with a bad head cold that just wouldn't go away and my allergies have been kicking my butt too this past month so I haven't felt the best at times, ugh.  Two Fridays ago my sister's horse colicked (a bad horse belly ache) so we were out at the house for a good while that night.  This past weekend we were away at our Burning Man regional event we go to twice a year, so it's been a busy busy month.  Hoping to catch up on some blog posts over the weekend.  I'm so far behind in posting right now and have quite a few nail pics to upload as well, blurgh. So, here's to hoping I get a bit caught up this coming weekend!

For tonight's nails I have some plaid nails that I did a couple of weeks ago. I am loving the way these turned out.  Wish I could have gotten my lines a bit sharper, but oh well.  I love them anyways :)

My base here was China Glaze "My Sweet Lady". I then used Essie "Designated DJ", Essie "Backseat Besties" and OPI "Got Myself Into A Jam-balaya" and nail art brushes to draw the plaid nails. I put a coat of a "Melly Mix" on my index and pinky nails to finish.

My Sweet Lady on it's own.  I can never get enough of pastels :) 
That's it for tonight.  Today's feel good is:

"Live today like it's the only one you'll get."

This one is awesome, I love it so much!!!

Have a great rest of the night, we'll talk soon.  I leave you with Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty looking as cute as can be :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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