Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Stamper Smooshies

Hello and Happy Hump Day My Loves,

I hope you are well and having a good Wednesday.  Monday was the Labor Day holiday in the USA so I had a three day weekend, yay :)

My weekend was pretty uneventful.  Saturday it rained heavy all day, I cleaned. Sunday Casey and I were going to go to his family reunion but didn't as he was sick with some tummy thing.  Then yesterday I went out to my Mom's in the morning to go thru some of Dad's stuff getting it ready to take to a flea market this coming weekend then went to a picnic with Casey's family. I also hung out with the kitties a lot this past weekend, watched some movies and some of The Walking Dead marathon that was on AMC the last couple of days. So, overall a pretty relaxing chill holiday weekend.

I didn't do any special nails for the holiday so tonight you have some smooshy nails I did a while back that I kinda totally forgot about it. Seeing them here now again, I remembered how much I loved these and the way they turned out. I love the mix of black in with the bright colors, it's a nice contrast me thinks :) Hope you like them too :)

My base here was Essie "DJ Play That Song".  I then put drops of the following polishes on a stamper and then smooshed the colors together on the smooshed nails: Orly "Key Lime Twist", Sinful Colors "Black On Black", China Glaze "Sun of A Peach" and China Glaze "All Glammed Up".  The glitter on my middle nails is Alchemy Lacquers "Fireworks".  I put a coat of Zoya "Sparkle Gloss" on my pinky and thumb nails to finish. I really enjoy smooshy nails, they turn out so cool looking and are pretty easy to do too although clean up can suck a bit, lol!

DJ, Play That Song on it's own.  A really pretty color, but one of the crappiest, patchiest formulas ever, yuck!
That's it for the nails for today. Have a good rest of the night and if you are in the path of Hurricane Irma this week, please, please be safe and I'll be thinking of those affected during this time. It's so sad all the devastation that Harvey left behind in Texas.  My heart goes out to all those people and animals there.

I haven't put a feel good on the blog in a bit either, so, for today you get:

"I love the smell of possibility in the morning."

That is a good one!  I leave you with my girls, Miss Betty and Princess Pebbles.  Aren't they so sweet!!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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