Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Floating Ghosts

Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hope you are having a good week so far.  Mine is okay.  Sunday night was rough.  My sister's old horse, Dream, was down and couldn't get up so Casey and I went out there and for two hours worked to get him back up.  He did finally after we had the vet come out to give him some pain medicine.  He's 29, has arthritis and sometimes when he lays down to roll he can't get his legs under him to get back up. It's sad seeing the old guy go thru this, it hurts your heart.  He was trying so hard too, was so exhausted from fighting to get up, but with the help of myself, Casey and our neighbor guy out there we were able to get him up and he's been fine since.  It's so hard seeing the animals get old and having problems.  He's been okay and himself since so here's to hoping he doesn't have any more issues for a while, that poor old horse.  Casey and I were so hurty and sore tho' on Monday all day, let me tell you.  Today is not so bad tho' at least.

Since we were out at the barn until around 11 PM we didn't get to watch Fear the Walking Dead until last night and it was pretty good. But, now that Fear is over, bring on The Walking Dead this weekend, yay!  I can't wait.

Today I have my first Halloween nails of the season.  I did these super scary floating ghost nails on Sunday.  I think are so cute, hope you likey them too :)

I started with a base of China Glaze "Dawn of A New Reign".  I used a white nail striper to draw the ghosts, then a dotting tool with Sinful Colors "Black On Black" to do the eyes and mouths.  I put a coat of China Glaze "Let Your Twilight Sparkle" on my pinky and index nails to finish.

Dawn of A New Reign on it's own.  It's more purple in real life.  My camera has a hard time with purples. 
There you have my first scary nails for this year.  I've got more in mind that I'll be doing over the next couple of weeks so be on the lookout for them to coming up :)

Here's a feel good for the day also:

"Be absolutely crazy, silly, and wild - all the best people are."

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one so much!

Talk to you soon, here's Miss Betty, Buster and Mister Kitty :) I love when the kitties all lay together like this, it makes my heart happy!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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