Sunday, March 11, 2018

Radioactive Green Dotticure

Happy Sunday/Happy Dead Day!!!

Hello my friends, I hope you are doing well and having a good weekend. I am having an okay one, cleaned here at home and my Mom's house yesterday and cat sitting from yesterday morning thru Tuesday evening, so I've been busy.  I also got super ambitious and dusted all my polish bottles off and did a pretty big purge of polish that will get gifted to a few friends.  I had to purge some, it had been a long time since I dusted my babies off and purged, it was long overdue!

Today I have some super bright radioactive looking green and yellow nails I did this morning.  I find this green kind of super ugly yet kind of super cool too, lol :) I also kind of love these nails, they are really bright and fun I think.  Hope you like them too!

I started with a base of China Glaze "Def Defying" (the green) and China Glaze "Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" (the yellow).  I used dotting tools with China Glaze "Spring Jungle", China Glaze "Girls Just Wanna Have Sun" and Color Club "We Liming" to do the dotted nails.  I put a coat of Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Diamonds" on the green nails to finish.

Def Defying (green) and Yellow Polka Dot Bikini (yellow) on their own.
That's it for nails for today.  I hope you have a great rest of the weekend.  I am just kinda chilling today, then going for my evening visit to the cats I am taking care of, then it's Walking Dead tonight, yay!

Here's a good feel good for today:

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."

Love this one!!!!  I'll talk to you all soon.  I leave you with lazy kitties, Miss Betty, Dino and Mr. Kitty :) Don't they have such a hard life, lol :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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