Sunday, April 29, 2018

Updated Holo Top Coats

Hello, my friends.  I hop you are doing good and life is going good.  Mine has been sad this week. On Thursday I went with Mom to send her sweet therapy dog, Gracie, to the Rainbow Bridge. It was so sad.  She had bone cancer and went down really fast, sigh.  She was such a good dog.  I feel for my Mom, it sucks.  Mom did say that in about two weeks she will start looking for a new companion pupper. I'll have some Gracie nails soon.

Today I decided to finally do something I've had sitting for a while, my holo top coat comparison post.  I originally did one back in February 2015, you can find that one here:

I have acquired a few more since then and purged one or two from last time.  Some of these you can still get, others maybe not (sorry about that).  If they are easy to get I've put an asterik behind the name and where you can find it  I love holo top coats, they are so darn pretty and add so much pretty to any polish :)  Hope you enjoy this fun sparkle on this cloudy and cold Sunday, arrrrgh...Spring is never coming this year :)

Here they are all on one wheel, look at all that pretty :)

Here's the list of names in order:
1. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Scattered) * website
2. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear) * website
3. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear & Scattered) * website
4. Pretty & Polished Halo T/C * website
5. Fair Maiden - Glory of the Galaxy *? website
6. Indigo Bananas - Rainbow All the Things * website
7. Fair Maiden - Chasing Rainbows * ? website
8. Indigo Bananas - SF35 Top Coat * website
9. Fair Maiden - Fairy Godmother * website
10. Starlight Polish - Starlight * Etsy
11. Stardust Polish - Holy Holo * Etsy
12. KB Shimmer - Prism Break * website
13. Pacifica - Gloss Rainbow Top Coat * Ulta
14. Glorious - Spectraflair Topcoat #35 * website
15. CBL - Lather & Lace *? website
16. Piggy Polish - Lunar Halo N/A
17. Finger Paints - Holographic Top Coat N/A
The ones on this wheel above:
1. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Scattered) * website
2. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear) * website
3. ILNP - My Private Rainbow (Linear & Scattered) * website
4. Pretty & Polished Halo T/C * website
5. Fair Maiden - Glory of the Galaxy *? website
6. Indigo Bananas - Rainbow All the Things * website
7. Fair Maiden - Chasing Rainbows * ? website
8. Indigo Bananas - SF35 Top Coat * website
The ones on the wheel above:
4. Pretty & Polished Halo T/C * website
5. Fair Maiden - Glory of the Galaxy *? website
6. Indigo Bananas - Rainbow All the Things * website
7. Fair Maiden - Chasing Rainbows * ? website
8. Indigo Bananas - SF35 Top Coat * website
9. Fair Maiden - Fairy Godmother * website
10. Starlight Polish - Starlight * Etsy
11. Stardust Polish - Holy Holo * Etsy
And the last wheel above:
10. Starlight Polish - Starlight * Etsy
11. Stardust Polish - Holy Holo * Etsy
12. KB Shimmer - Prism Break * website
13. Pacifica - Gloss Rainbow Top Coat * Ulta
14. Glorious - Spectraflair Topcoat #35 * website
15. CBL - Lather & Lace *? website
16. Piggy Polish - Lunar Halo N/A
17. Finger Paints - Holographic Top Coat N/A

Whew, that was a long post today.  I'm going to keep the rest short.  Have a great rest of the weekend and good beginning of the week.  I'm going to chill today and watch some cheesy shark movies, I love them!!!  I'll talk to you soon!  I leave you with my cutie patootie, Miss Betty, cuddled by my sister, Tina, one night :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Run Free Dream

Hi my friends,

Hope you are well and having a good weekend.  Yesterday Casey and I went to friends' for a get together then to a pig roast his brother was having.  It was fun and nice to get out.  We just found out on Friday that my Mom's super sweet therapy dog, Gracie, has bone cancer that has spread to her spine along with some spots on her lungs they found.  She's going to go down quick the vet said and probably only has a few weeks left, sigh.  I am so sad about this and my heart is breaking for my Mom and for Gracie, poor girl.

This all comes about 3 weeks since we had to say goodbye to my sister, Tina's, 30 year old Arabian horse, Dream. That was on March 27th that we had him put down due to old age.  We are still feeling that recent loss as well.  So, for today I have nails for Dream to remember him and his happy and long life he had with my sister and our family.  Tina got him when he was around 6 months old, he had a very happy and long 30 years with us.  Dream was a good horse. I miss him, it's weird without him in the barn.  My horse is still there and he has been lonely, so we are going to get him a goat soon for a buddy for him. Here's my nails for Dream.  I think these are pretty.

My base is China Glaze "Salsa".  I stamped using Essie "No Place Like Chrome" with YF "156" and MdU "Wild West" plates.  The blue for the sky is China Glaze :Chalk Me Up!" and the grass is Essie "On the Roadie". The glitter is China Glaze "Silver of Sorts" and the glitter top coat on my index and pinky nails is Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Shake Shake".

Salsa on it's own, such a pretty red.
Here are a bunch of pic of Dream from over the years.  He was a pretty boy, that's for sure.

That's all for today.  Have a great rest of the weekend.  I'll talk to you soon.  Please keep my Mom and our family in your thoughts as we go thru this with Gracie, it's so sad, she's such a good dog.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, April 15, 2018

I AM Team Negan!!!

Happy Dead Day!!!!

Well, it's here, the season finale of The Walking Dead.  I am excited for the finale, yet it still makes me sad because no more Walking Dead now until Fall, sniffle, sniffle.  However, my sister, Tina, and I will have Walking Dead over the off months.  We'll start at season 1 and watch the series again thru October when our beloved TWD comes back on for season 9.

So, for years I was all about Team Rick Grimes, well, now this season I've become Team Negan.  Rick has become reckless, whiny and just has been a little bitch in my opinion.  I still love all of our group of Rick's, just not Rick so much now, so Team Negan I am!

In honor of Negan I decided on Team Negan nails for tonight.  Hope you like them.  I do, I love these nails and these are definitely some of my favorite Walking Dead nails I've ever done.  I love the little tiny Lucille bats, they are so cute and the Negan stamp rocks! I am so happy I have so many awesome Walking Dead nail stuff :)

I did a base coat of Essie "Perfect Mate".  I sponged on Essie "A Crewed Interest" with an eyeshadow applicator on the nails to be stamped. I stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" with Uber Chic "Zombie Love 02" and Creative Plate 46.  The words I did using a nail striper in black.  The glitter is Broadway Nails Gel "Moscato Rose".

Perfect Mate on it's own.  I think this was a really good base for this mani.
There you have my season finale nails.  Hope you enjoyed them as much I am!  Enjoy the finale tonight if you watch.  I'll be watching the season 8 marathon on all day leading up to tonight.

I have a super good feel good for you as well today, this one is so good:

"Change your thoughts and you'll change the world."

LOVE this one!!!!

I leave you with my sister's cat, Negan, when we dressed him as Negan with Lucille last Fall for the season premiere.  Isn't he so cute in his cosplay :) Have a great day and I'll chat at you soon.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blobbity Blob Blob

Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hope you are well and having a good week thus far.  Just a super quick post tonight.  I'm feeling a bit crappy, Spring allergy season has started and the last few days I've felt a bit blah, ugh, even tho' it's still been cold out and last night it was even snowing for a bit, more ugh.

Today I have a blobbicure mani I did last week. Hope you likey, I sure do :)  Enjoy!

I did two bases, the darker one is Essie "At the Helm" (this one is from the current Spring collection out and I love this shade so much, it's pretty) and the lighter one is Essie "Love Every Minute". I then used "At the Helm" to do the blobbicure.  To do a blobbicure you just drop drops of polish on the nail when the polish is still wet.  It has to be wet in order for it to spread into the blob. I then put a coat of an unknown orange glitter on the rest of the nails to finish.  I have not done a blobbicure in forever and forgot how awesome they are. Will definitely be doing these more in the future.  I love these!!!

At the Helm (the darker) and Love Every Minute (the lighter) by themselves. 
That's it, have a great night.  I leave you with another old pic with Miss Betty, Mr. Kitty and Buster (RIP buddy). Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Springy Splatter

Happy Caturday Loves,

I hope you are well and have a fun and/or relaxing weekend ahead of you!  I don't have much going on this weekend except for a family reunion of Casey's family later on today.  Other than that I don't plan on doing too much this weekend.  After losing my sister's old horse two weeks ago I've been emotionally exhausted along with work being really busy so I need a low key lazy weekend.

Today I have some springy splatter nails I did one day last week.  I think these are pretty.  I've also been enjoying using two to three different base coats in my last several manis. It's helping me get thru using all my untried polishes quicker too, lol :) Hope you likey these spring splatters too :)

I used three bases here, China Glaze "Good Tide-ings" (blue), China Glaze "Girls Just Wanna Have Sun" (yellow) and Essie "Where's My Chauffeur" (blue green).  I splattered Essie "At the Helm" on my ring nails and Essie "Love Every Minute" on my index nails.  I put a coat of Sinful Colors "Mamasita" on my middle nails and Orly "Winter Wonderland" on the rest to finish.

Good Tide-ings (blue), Girls Just Wanna Have Sun (yellow) and Where's My Chauffer (mint) by themselves.  These are really pretty Spring shades I think!
Have a great Caturday and I'll chat at you tomorrow when I plan on posting my blobbicure nails I have on now!

Here's a good feel good for today:

"Take time out of your day to let yourself play."

Love this one!!!

I leave you with another old pic I came across Betty, Buster (RIP old man), Dino and Mr. Kitty all sleeping and cuddling together :)  I love these times when they decide to all get on the couch to snuggle with Mom.  These moments with the kitties mean so much to me :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Bunny Stamped Skittles

Happy Easter friends,

I hope you have a great day if you celebrate.  My heart is not really into it this year.  This past Tuesday we had my sister, Tina's, 30 year old horse, Dream, put down.  It was really sad and I am still sad.  My horse is having a hard time with it too so today I am going to church with Mom and then spending some time with Dusty this afternoon.

So, my heart just wasn't into doing anything much with my nails so I just did some super simple stamped nails and some glitter for today. They are cute bunny stamps I think.

I used three bases here, the blue is Orly "Snowcone", the purple is Color Club "Lavendarling" and the mint is China Glaze "At Your Athleisure".  I stamped using Funky Fingers "Gesso" and Mo You Festive Collection 09 plate.  The glitter on my pinkies and thumbs is Candy Laquer "Bunny Sugar".

Snowcone (blue), Lavendarling (purple) & At Your Athleisure (mint) on their own.  I think these look really pretty all together.
That's it for today.  I don't have much else to say.  I'll talk to you later on this week with my Dream nails that I have planned.  Have a great day, talk soon.  I leave you with another old pic I found of Mr. Kitty, Dino, Buster (RIP old man) and Miss Betty. They all do miss their brother and I do too.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?