Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Bunny Stamped Skittles

Happy Easter friends,

I hope you have a great day if you celebrate.  My heart is not really into it this year.  This past Tuesday we had my sister, Tina's, 30 year old horse, Dream, put down.  It was really sad and I am still sad.  My horse is having a hard time with it too so today I am going to church with Mom and then spending some time with Dusty this afternoon.

So, my heart just wasn't into doing anything much with my nails so I just did some super simple stamped nails and some glitter for today. They are cute bunny stamps I think.

I used three bases here, the blue is Orly "Snowcone", the purple is Color Club "Lavendarling" and the mint is China Glaze "At Your Athleisure".  I stamped using Funky Fingers "Gesso" and Mo You Festive Collection 09 plate.  The glitter on my pinkies and thumbs is Candy Laquer "Bunny Sugar".

Snowcone (blue), Lavendarling (purple) & At Your Athleisure (mint) on their own.  I think these look really pretty all together.
That's it for today.  I don't have much else to say.  I'll talk to you later on this week with my Dream nails that I have planned.  Have a great day, talk soon.  I leave you with another old pic I found of Mr. Kitty, Dino, Buster (RIP old man) and Miss Betty. They all do miss their brother and I do too.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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