Saturday, April 7, 2018

Springy Splatter

Happy Caturday Loves,

I hope you are well and have a fun and/or relaxing weekend ahead of you!  I don't have much going on this weekend except for a family reunion of Casey's family later on today.  Other than that I don't plan on doing too much this weekend.  After losing my sister's old horse two weeks ago I've been emotionally exhausted along with work being really busy so I need a low key lazy weekend.

Today I have some springy splatter nails I did one day last week.  I think these are pretty.  I've also been enjoying using two to three different base coats in my last several manis. It's helping me get thru using all my untried polishes quicker too, lol :) Hope you likey these spring splatters too :)

I used three bases here, China Glaze "Good Tide-ings" (blue), China Glaze "Girls Just Wanna Have Sun" (yellow) and Essie "Where's My Chauffeur" (blue green).  I splattered Essie "At the Helm" on my ring nails and Essie "Love Every Minute" on my index nails.  I put a coat of Sinful Colors "Mamasita" on my middle nails and Orly "Winter Wonderland" on the rest to finish.

Good Tide-ings (blue), Girls Just Wanna Have Sun (yellow) and Where's My Chauffer (mint) by themselves.  These are really pretty Spring shades I think!
Have a great Caturday and I'll chat at you tomorrow when I plan on posting my blobbicure nails I have on now!

Here's a good feel good for today:

"Take time out of your day to let yourself play."

Love this one!!!

I leave you with another old pic I came across Betty, Buster (RIP old man), Dino and Mr. Kitty all sleeping and cuddling together :)  I love these times when they decide to all get on the couch to snuggle with Mom.  These moments with the kitties mean so much to me :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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