Sunday, July 22, 2018

Shark Week......It's Here!!!!!!

Happy Sunday Loves,

Tonight Shark Week begins!  Shark Week is in it's 30th year now on TV, hard to believe that Shark Week began when I was 16 years old, whoa!  I am getting old, ha ha!  I love Shark Week, it's such an educational and fun week about sharks.  I actually find sharks quite interesting even tho' I never ever want to be up close and personal with any, lol.

So, for today for the start of Shark Week I decided to do some fun shark stamping.  This was a super simple mani to do with some simple stamping. I like them.  I will do one other mani this week for Shark Week, but not sure yet what I'll do!  Look for them later on this week!  Onto the nails.

My base is China Glaze "Aqua Baby".  I then dry brushed China Glaze "Wait 'n Sea" on the nails to be stamped which you can barely see, oh well.  I stamped using Essie "No Place Like Chrome" with Uber Chic 2-03 and Apipila P42 plates.  I put a coat of Color Club "Throwing Shade" on the rest to finish.

Aqua Baby on it's own.  I think is a great base for sharks.
There you have my first Shark Week nails for this year.  Have a great rest of the weekend and I'll chat at you soon! I leave you with an old pic I found of Miss Betty, Buster (RIP buddy) and Mr. Kitty. I miss my Buster every day, sigh.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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