Sunday, July 15, 2018

Summery Dry Brush & Potter County

Happy Sunday Loves,

Long time no talk, well, a few weeks that is, lol :)  Last weekend Casey and I went to the mountains to my family's camp with a few friends and went to fireworks where we met Casey's family who was staying up at their own camp the same time.  I didn't take a whole lot of pics this time but the ones I did I am sharing in this post :)  We had a blast as usual and our friends, Nick and Leah, loved it as this was their first time up to the bus and the mountains there.  Our friend, Amy, also went with, she's gone up many times with us in the past, she loves it as much as we do!!

I didn't do any July 4th themed nails this year, just wasn't feeling them this year so instead I did some summery dry brushed nails.  I really think these turned out pretty and they definitely felt super summery to me, like punch!  Hope you likey too!

My bases are Essie "Butler Please" (blue), Essie ""Come Here" (coral red) and Essie "A Crewed Interest" (peach). I then dry brushed a several different polishes on the brushed nails and put a coat of Starlight Polish "Make It Sparkle" on top of the dry brush nails.  The glitter is L.A. Colors "Fruity".

Butler Please, Come Here and A Crewed Interest on their own.
Here are the few pics I did take, enjoy!!!  Have a great rest of the weekend and I'll talk soon, sooner than last time, I promise!  I do have a few manis to get up and posted so will try to get a couple posts up this coming week. 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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