Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fall Fan Brush

Happy Sunday Loves,

I just have a quick post today. I'm super tired today. Yesterday we were at a flea market and chicken BBQ all day selling stuff of Dad's.  We did pretty well getting rid of more "junk" of his. It was a long day though!

Today I have some more Fall nails. I decided on a Fall fan brush since I haven't done any fan brush nails in a long time, so here you go! I love these and think they turned out super pretty. Hope you like them too!

The red base is OPI "5 Apples Tall" and the yellow is OPI "I Just Can't Cope-acabana". I did the fan brushed nails with a fan brush using China Glaze "Give Me S'more" and OPI "Aloha From OPI". I then put a coat of BaronessX "Topacio" on all nails to finish.


5 Apples Tall (red) and I Just Can't Cope-acabana" (yellow) on their own.
Have a great rest of the weekend and I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with all the cats and the one rabbit outside living life one day this past Summer. We are down to only one bunny though now. We lost the old boy bunny back in early August and the one old girl about two weeks ago or so. They were pretty old. We are hoping the last girl is with us for a while yet but she is pretty old too so who knows how much time she has, but she is really healthy so we shall see.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, September 28, 2018

Melly's Musing's is FOUR Today :)

Happy Friday my loves,

Hello my friends, I hope today finds you well and that you have had a good week. Mine has been alright, uneventful and I'm so okay with that :) Glad it's Friday and the weekend is almost here!

Today is a special day for me and my blog.  My blog, this blog, Melly's Musings is four years old today.  It's a bit hard to believe that I've been doing this little blog for four years now. I love my blog and having my blog.  It's such a fun way for me to showcase my nails that I spend so much time doing and that bring me so much joy. One of the things I love seeing is all the different countries that view my blog when I check my blog's stats. I like to think that I am inspiring people the entire world over thru my little happy nail corner of the interwebs.

I want to thank everyone that reads my blog or even just looks at the pictures and supports me and my nail habit. I have no plans to stop posting on this blog anytime soon.  So, here's to another year of nails and fun nail art :)

For my blog b-day nails I have some cupcakes. and birthday candles. I decided to do my bases in my two favorite colors, purple and pink. I think these came out cute even tho' I smudged the "4" on my left thumb and kinda made the cupcake paper too big on that ring nail so I had to do that one on my whole nail instead of a little cupcake on the nail like on my right hand.  Oh well, shit happens :)

The purple base is China Glaze "Spontaneous" and the pink is Essie "Splash of Gernadine". I then used a slew of polishes with nail art brushes to draw the cupcakes, and candles and fours, then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of them all. The glitter on my pinkies is Sally Hansen Luxe Lace "Eyelet" and the glitter on my pointers is China Glaze "The Outer Edge".

Spontaneous and Splash of Grenadine by themselves. 
There you have my blog-a-b-day/blogiversary nails for this year, the year of 4 for Melly's Musings. Have a great rest of the day.  I'll talk to you next time with some more Fall nails. I've also been thinking of what I'm doing for my Walking Dead season premiere nails next weekend and I have to start thinking of some Halloween nails that I need to start doing soon too :)

I leave you with all the black cats outside in the yard one day, Betty, Dino and Pebbles. Talk soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Fall Is Here!

Happy Sunday,

Hello friends. I hope today finds you well and that you are having a good weekend.  Yesterday I cleaned and then Casey and I went to Mom's to pack up some of Dad's stuff to try to sell at a flea market next weekend.  My Dad had so much stuff and it's so overwhelming going thru and getting rid of it all. My Dad passed away about two and half years ago, we've gotten rid of a lot of stuff but there's still so much left, ugh.  As I say when we are going thru and packing stuff up, "Thanks a lot Dad!" :) It is also still really hard and sad going thru his stuff. I miss my Dad, he was a great guy.

Today I have my first Fall nails for the year. It's funny this year it was so hot and humid and was still hot and humid up until Friday when Fall was arriving. This weekend has been total Fall weather with a little rain here and there but not too bad. I do love Fall, just hate the impending doom of Winter!

Hope you enjoy my first Fall nails. I think these are adorable :)

My base is Orly "Cotton Candy". I then used several different polishes I was too lazy to keep track of and nail art brushes to draw the leaves and trees.  The glitter is Candy Laquer "Candied Cocoa".

Cotton Candy on it's own.  This one is going to my purge pile. I wasn't a fan of the formula and have several very similar so this one is going lol.
Have a great rest of the weekend.  Today I am being lazy and just chilling.  Talk to you soon. I leave you with Mr. Kitty looking cute as usual :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day

Happy Hump Day and Talk Like A Pirate Day :)

Hello my loves.  I just have a super quick post today.  I'm writing this before work this morning. Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day which really has no meaning other than a couple dudes deciding to make this a thing and I LOVE it :)  It's fun. 

So, for today again like I did last year on this day I have some pirate nails. They are cute I think and hope you think so too :)

My bases here are China Glaze "Agent Lavender" (the light purple) and OPI "Don't Bossa Nova Me Around" (the tan). I then used China Glaze "All Aboard" (purple) and China Glaze "Wait N' Sea (blue) for the bandannas. I used a nail striper to draw the eye patches, mouth and "Arrr's" and Sinful Colors "Black on Black" and Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" to do the eyes, nose and dots on the bandannas. The glitter is WJ "Hematoma". I put a coat of Jesse's Girl "Confetti" on my thumbs and pinkies to finish.

Agent Lavender and Don't Bossa Nova Me Around on their own. 
Have a great day.  Talk soon.  I leave you with what is my daily life at home, cats on the couch :) Here's Miss Betty, Mr. Kitty and Dino :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Coral Reef

Happy Hump Day Loves,

Just a super quick post tonight of my nails I currently have on. One of the kitties isn't feeling 100% tonight, he's older so we are keeping a close eye on him. He's acting himself and eating and drinking, but he just seems a bit lethargic. He has had issues with urinary infections in the past, but isn't acting like that now. So, we will see how he is all evening and in the morning, then decide if a vet visit is in order for our Dino boy love.

Any of my friends and readers in the path of Hurricane Florence, please, please be safe. I will be thinking of you all and keeping you in my thoughts. This is supposed to be a really horrible storm. We are not supposed to be affected too bad in my area thankfully.  I am pretty far away from the coast here in PA. We have had a really rainy Summer and there has been numerous areas of severe flooding from that this past year so our area really doesn't need more rain. Everything is wet all the time, ugh.

On to the nails. I did these coral reef nails this past weekend as part of some of my last, sniffle, sniffle, nails for Summer.  I do love Fall which is coming, just hate the impending doom of Winter, ugh!  I really think these turned out so cute, hope you like them too :)

My bases are Sally Hansen X-reme Wear "Coral Reef" (coral) and China Glaze "Sample Sizing Me Up" (blue). I used several different polishes with nail arts brushes to draw the coral and sandy base.  I put a coat of Dance Legend Spot It Transforming Top Coat in White. I think I put this on too thick though because it didn't create the "cells" like I was hoping it would.  I put a coat of China Glaze "Moonlight the Night" on top of that and on the others to finish I put a coat of Misa "Sweet Pleasure".

Coral Reef and Sample Sizing Me Up on their own.
 Here's a pic of Miss Betty and my phone case.  I swear this case was made from Miss Betty's image :)  It even has a little tongue blip, she has her tongue out a lot ;)

Here's a Praying Mantis that Casey found in the yard one day that he set up with some food.  Isn't he so cool!!!

Have a great night. I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with Mr. Kitty looking too cute :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Sparkly Stripes

Happy Caturday!

Hello my friends, hope you are well and having a good weekend!  It's rainy and dreary here but not 1,000 degrees so I'll take it.  It's been miserable hot and humid lately. I'm ready for some cooler temperatures. Later on today Casey and I are going to some friends for a pig roast and I'm looking forward to seeing some friends and meeting and making some new ones :)  My back is still not in the best shape after hurting it last weekend, it is starting to feel a bit better thankfully.

Today I have some nails I found in my drafts from back in February, lol.  I totally forgot about these. I think they are so simple and so pretty :)

My base is China Glaze "Sunday Funday".  I did the stripes using a silver striper, Kleancolor "Metallic White", Essie "As If!" and Essie "Excuse Me, Sur".  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" to finish them all off.

Sunday Funday on it's own. 
That's it for today, have a great weekend. I'll talk to you soon.  I am planning on doing some coral nails later today or tomorrow as part of my last nails of Summer.

Here's a great feel good for the day:

"Let it go!"

This one is awesome and so much truth in it, sometimes it is truly best to just let things go :)

Here's Buster (RIP old man, I miss you) and Miss Betty.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sparkly Dots

Happy Monday My Loves,

It's Monday and I am off work for the Labor Day holiday today in the U.S.  On Saturday my sister, two friends and me met our cousin that we hadn't seen in years at a local Scottish Highland festival.  It was such a fun day. But, I was hurting tho'.  That morning before we left I was sweeping the floors and turned somehow and felt something in my lower back pull. I've been in severe pain since then, ugh.  I didn't do anything yesterday and plan on resting my back today before going back to work tomorrow.  Back pain sucks.  I have spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine and arthritis) in my lower back so I think with whatever I did on Saturday it's worse because of that.  I am suffering right now, but it will get better in a few days I hope.

Today I have some dots I did sometime a few months back, can't actually remember when and never got around to posting.  I think these are really pretty.  Hope you like them too :) I love dotticures, they are pretty and so easy to do.

My base is Essie "All Access Pass". I did the dots with a dotting tool using Nicole by OPI "It's All About the Glam", China Glaze "DV8", China Glaze "BFF", China Glaze "IDK" and China Glaze "2NITE". I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the dotted nails and Color Club "Jingle Jangle" on the rest to finish this mani.

All Access Pass on it's own.  Love this one, it's such a pretty blue!
That's all for the nails for today.  Here's a good feel good for the day also :)

"Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."

Lucille Ball said this one.  I love Lucille Ball and think this is great.  Have a great day and I'll talk to you soon.  My day is chilling on the couch with the kitties and resting my back on a heating pad.

I'll talk to you soon.  I leave you with the boys, Mr. Kitty and Dino snuggling sleeping one day :) I love it when the kids cuddle, it's so cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?