Sunday, November 18, 2018

Fall Foliage or Lack Thereof

Happy Sunday/Dead Day loves,

I hope today finds you well and that life is good. It's good my way. Thursday sucked tho', we had our first snow storm of the year and it was awful. We closed work around noon and it took me over an hour to get home, my normal drive is around 15 - 20 minutes. I was one of the lucky ones however, a lot of people I know had 4 to 6 hour drives home. It was around 8 inches of snow with sleet and freezing rain mixed in. It was awful, I am so not ready for this Winter nonsense, ugh, I hate Winter!

This year it was also rainy all the time, we had a really wet Summer and rainy Fall so far and due to everything being so wet all the time we didn't really get much vibrant fall foliage which sucked too. It seems that the trees went from green to yellow/orange and then just fell, none of the reds or purples that get thrown in during the Fall season. Oh well, what can you do, hopefully next year will be better for foliage we can only hope.

So because of the lack of Fall foliage this year I have some bland Fall nails today for that. Despite the lack of foliage I think these are pretty. The images didn't translate as well as normal. I used a new clear stamper I got and it kinda sucked, blah. Oh well, you live and you learn.

My bases are China Glaze "Central Parka" (green) and OPI "Never A Dulles Moment" (yellow). I sponged China Glaze "Sneaker Head" and China Glaze "Pop the Trunk" on the nails to be stamped. I stamped using China Glaze "Unplugged" with What's Up Nails B033 and Uber Chic 5-02 plates. Then I put a coat of CND "Jade Sparkle" on the rest to finish.

Central Parka and Never a Dulles Moment on their own. They were the perfect bases for this mani I think. 
Have a great Sunday, I'll chat at you again soon soon soon :) Here's Dino and Miss Betty :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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