Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Turkey Day Turkeys....and......Turkey Legs!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Loves,

Happy day of thanks (even though I believe every day should be days of thanks :) ). I have so much every single day to be thankful for in my life. I am truly blessed with the life, family, friends and animals I have in my life.

Casey and I are going to his Mom and Dad's later on today for the holiday. I love his family so much and always look forward to spending time with them. This coming Sunday we are going to my Mom's church for their Thanksgiving dinner so will then spend the day with her and my sister and all the good people that go to her church.

For today I have some turkey and turkey drumstick nails to celebrate Turkey Day today. I actually prefer the the white breast meat to the dark leg, wing and thigh meat but wanted to do a drumstick cuz' they look cute :) It's been a couple years since I did turkeys and so glad I did this year, they are so cute me thinks!!!

I used three bases, Essie "The More the Merrier" (pinkies and thumbs), China Glaze "Casual Friday" (ring and index) and China Glaze "Spring Jungle" (middle). I used several different polishes to draw the turkeys and drumsticks that I just don't feel like typing them all out, lol. The glitter on my index nails is China Glaze "Glitter Me This...." and on my pinky and thumb nails I put a coat of China Glaze "Queen, Please!" to finish.

Essie "The More the Merrier" (pinkies and thumbs), China Glaze "Casual Friday" (ring and index) and China Glaze "Spring Jungle" (middle) on their own.
There you have my happy little turkey and turkey leg nails. Have a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate. I leave you with Miss Betty and Buster (RIP my buddy). I miss him, December 4th will be a year since Buster went to Rainbow Bridge and I miss my little asshole every day. He was a good cat :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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