Monday, December 10, 2018

Sweater Weather

Happy Monday Loves,

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and that life is treating you good. I'm okay. This weekend was sad, my step Grandma's memorial was Saturday, she was in her 90's so she had a good long life, but it was still sad. It was nice tho' seeing family members. Then on Saturday evening I was with friends hanging out for a clothing swap and that was fun fun fun. I love our friends, they are the BEST :)

Tonight I have some super simple stamped sweater weather nails. I think these are cute and they were so simple to do. Hope you like them too!

I did two bases, Orly "Seize the Clay" (pinky, index & thumb) and Orly "Terra Mauve" (middle and ring). I stamped with Funky Fingers "Gesso" and Winstonia "Winter Wonderland" plate. The glitter on my index nails is China Glaze "Turn Up the Heat" and I put a coat of BaronessX "Rubi" on the others to finish.

Seize the Clay and Terra Mauve on their own, these two are so pretty me thinks!
Later on this week I am planning on starting some Christmas nails. The first I am planning is some elves, can't wait to do them since I haven't ever done elves before.

Have a great rest of the night. I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino looking too cute :) Talk soon my lovely friends!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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