Sunday, March 31, 2019

Free Negan, Find Lucille!

Happy Dead Day, Yay :)

It's season finale day, can't believe it's here already, feels like season 9 just started, sniffle. I think this season has been pretty good with the Whisperers, they are scary!!! So, with that war brewing, it's time dammit, to free Negan and for him to find Lucille and put an ass beating on the Whisperers!!!

My sister will be here later on this evening to watch the finale with me. Other than that I have a pretty lazy day planned! Yesterday I cleaned at home and at work so I am so good with a lazy day today. One of our best friends is coming to visit too and we haven't seen her in a while so I am super excited to see my Amy love :)

So, for tonight's nails I have some Negan, free him, nails. I love these, hope you like them too :)

My bases are Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Mint Sorbet" (light green) and China Glaze "Westside Warrior" (dark green). I smooshed the nails to stamp with drops of "Mint Sorbet" onto the nails then took a piece of plastic wrap, laid it on top and smooshed the polish around. I stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" with Uber Chic "Zombie Love 02" and Creative Shop "46" plates. I then put a coat of China Glaze "White Cap" on my pinky and index nails to finish.

"Mint Sorbet" (light green) and "Westside Warrior" (dark green) on their own. 
Have a great rest of the weekend and enjoy the finale tonight if you are watching. I'll be starting some Easter nails next! Talk soon my loves.

I leave you with the last cat that is still alive that was my Dad's, Sparky. Dad found him starving and with a hurt foot (he ended up having a toe removed due to infection) when he was about 7 or so months old in our hay shed. Sparky is around 17 now. He's always been the sweetest cat and of course he is a black cat so I've had an extra fondness for him :) He's such an old man now, not sure how much time we will still have with him and it will be hard to lose him since he was Dad's cat and the last one standing that was his. In the meantime I always give him lots of love and attention when I see him at Mom's and my sister's. He's a good boy!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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