Sunday, September 29, 2019

Happy Birthday Blog (a day late) :)

Happy Sunday My Loves,

Today's post is a post celebrating my blog's 5th birthday or blog-a-b-day/blogiversary. It was actually yesterday but I didn't have a chance to do my nails or a post yesterday so today it is a day late. Hard to believe that five years has gone by now since I started my little piece of the interwebs to showcase my nails and talk about stuff in my life and what I do :) Thank you to all my readers these many years. Here's to many more years of this little blog o' mine :)

I chose to do my two favorite colors together today, purple and pink, and kept it super simple with some easy peasy fan brushed nails. I think these are really pretty. Hope you like them too.

My base is Essie "Play Date". I fan brushed on Color Club "Hot-Hot-Hot Pants". The glitter is Alchemy Lacquers "KCl" and on my all the other nails I put a coat of Color Club "Bright Lights Big City".

Play Date on it's own. This is one of my favorite polishes I own, love this purple.
That's all for today. Yesterday we were at friends' house with friends having a rock painting party and it was fun fun. Last night my sister came to hang out. Today I am doing some stuff around home and pretty much chilling. We do leave to go to the mountains the end of this week for the weekend then next Sunday when we get home it's The Walking Dead Season 10 premiere and I can't wait. So ready for my beloved Walking Dead to be back on. Not sure what I'm doing with my nails just yet. I'll have a post then of my nails.

Have a great rest of weekend and good week. Talk soon. I leave you with my baby baby girl, Miss Betty, my heart, my love kitty :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fall Leaves Are Falling

Happy Sunday My Loves,

It's been a good weekend for me. Yesterday my friend, Niki, and her husband came over and we hung out and painted rocks and caught up. It had been a long time since Niki and I got to hang out and it was nice. My sister came in last night and we hung out. Today I have no plans but to be lazy before the work week. I may paint some rocks but that's about it, lol.

Tomorrow is the first official day of Fall. I am looking forward to Fall. I love Fall, just hate the impending doom of Winter, grr... I have some super easy sponged and stamping nails today for my first Fall nails this year. These turned out pretty I think :) Hope you like them too!

My base is Essie "Capri". I sponged China Glaze "Flame-Boyant" and China Glaze "Happy Go Lucky" on the nails to be stamped. I stamped using China Glaze "Unplugged" with Lina 4 Seasons - Autumn 02 and Whats Up Nails B021 plates. I put one coat of OPI "Peach-A-Boo" on my pinkies and index nails to finish.

Capri on it's own, the perfect base for my first Fall nails.
Have a great Sunday, talk soon! I leave you with Dino and Miss Betty outside in our yard one day :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Talk Like a Pirate Day, Arrrrrrrrrr...........

Arrrrr.......Ahoy Me Mateys......

Shiver me timbers, today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Which means all day you and I and everyone else should only talk pirate speak. This silly goofy day was started years ago by a couple of dudes for fun who proclaimed that on September 19th all should talk like pirates. It's since taken off and become an unofficial official day :) You can read more about it's origins here:

Here is a list I yanked off of the internet of common pirate words and phrases, enjoy and be sure to use some of these on this special day of talking like pirates.

Pirate Phrases

Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! - exhortation of discontent or disgust
Ahoy! - Hello!
Ahoy, Matey - Hello, my friend!
Ahoy, me Hearties! - the same as saying "Hello, my friends!"
All hand hoay! - comparable to all hands on deck
Avast ye - stop and check this out or pay attention
Aye - yes
Batten down the hatches - put everything away on the ship and tie everything down because a storm is brewing
Bilge-sucking - insult
Blimey! - exhortation of surprise
Blow me down! - expression of shock of disbelief akin to "Holy Crap!"
Blow the man down - command to kill someone
Booty - treasure
Buccaneer - a pirate
Bucko - a buccaneer
Cat O'Nine Tails - a whip with nine strands
Cleave him to the brisket - to cut across the chest, from one shoulder to the lower abdomen
Corsair - pirates in the Mediterranean Sea
Crow's nest - small platform atop the mast where the lookout stands
Cutlass - short heavy curved bladed sword used by pirates
Davy Jones' Locker - fabled, mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where the evil spirit of Davy Jones brings sailor and pirates to die
Dead men tell no tales - phrase indicating to leave no survivors
Doubloons - other coins or found in pirate hoards and stashes
Feed the fish - will soon die
Hang 'im from the yardarm - punishment of those captured in battle
Head - the pirate ship's toilet
Heave Ho - give it some muscle and push it
Hempen Halter - a noose for hanging
Hornswaggle - to defraud or cheat out of money or belongings
Jacob's Ladder - the rope ladder one uses to climb aboard a sloop
Jolly Roger - pirate's flag including white skull and crossbones over a black field
Keelhaul - punishment in which a person where dragged underneath the pirate ship from side to side and was lacerated by the barnacles on the vessel
Lad, lass, lassie - a younger person
Landlubber - big, slow clumsy person who doesn't know how to sail
Letters of Marque - letters issue from governments during wartime to privateers endorsing the piracy of another vessel
Man-O-War - pirate's ship outfitted for battle
Me - my
Mizzen - third mast from the bow of the ship on ships that have three or more masts
Old Salt - an experienced sailor
Pieces of eight - coins or found in pirate stashes
Pillage - rob, sack or plunder
Poop deck - the part of the ship farthest to the back, which is usually above the captain's quarters. This is not the bathroom.
Privateer - government-sponsored pirates
Rum - pirate's traditional alcoholic beverage
Run a shot across the bow - warning shot to another vessel's captain
Savvy? - do you understand and do you agree?
Scallywag - mild insult akin to rapscallion or rogue
Scurvy dog - the pirate is talking directly to you with mild insult
Scuttle - to sink a ship
Seadog - old pirate or sailor
Shark bait - will soon join Davy Jones' Locker
Shipshape - cleaned up and under control
Shiver me timbers! - comparable to "Holy Crap!"
Son of a Biscuit Eater - insult directed towards someone you don't like
Splice the mainbrace! - give the crew a drink!
Thar she blows! - Whale sighting
Three sheets to the wind - someone who is very drunk. One sheet is mildly drunk and four sheets is passed out.
Walk the plank - punishment in which person walks off a board jutting over the side of the ship while at sea. The consequence is drowning and a visit to Davy Jones' Locker.
Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - pull up the anchor and the sail and let's get going
Ye - you
Yo Ho Ho - cheerful exhortation to demand attention

So, for today, I have some super cute and fun nails for this silly goofy day! I hope you like them, I think they came out super cute this year :) I love his striped pirate pants and his booty of gold :)

My bases are Essie "Be Cherry!" (red), LA Girl Color Pop "Bubblegum" (peach) and China Glaze "Man Hunt" (blue). I used these polishes and a white and black striper to draw the pirates, stripes and anchors with nail art brushes and dotting tools. The glitter is China Glaze "Counting Carats".
I love these so much :)

Essie "Be Cherry!" (red), LA Girl Color Pop "Bubblegum" (peach) and China Glaze "Man Hunt" (blue) on their own. These were great bases for this mani me thinks!
You can check out my last two years here: and here:

That's all for today me mateys, have a great day and make sure ye talk like zee pirates all day today :) I leave you with Dino and Mr. Kitty :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Palette Cleanser Pink Nails & Painted Rocks

Happy Sunday my lovelies,

Hello my friends. Hope you are well and that life is good. It's nice here. Yesterday my Mom, sister, Mom's dog Tilly and I went and sat up some of the last things we still had of Dad's and some other stuff I purged to sell at a flea market and chicken BBQ that her church does each year. We did pretty good and what we didn't sell by the end we just gave away. It was fun, saw and hung out with some cousins and many friends that were there. It was a good day.

This morning I did my nails then went rock hunting by the river for rocks to paint. I then walked around my area in the city with my friend, Amy, hiding painting rocks. I've got more about the rocks after my nails.

For my nails for today I decided to do a plain mani as a palette cleanser this week. I've done so much art lately and it is nice once in a while to have just some plain nails :) I did do a holo accent nail that I think is super pretty :)

My base is China Glaze "Low-Maintenance". The holo on my ring nails is Color Club "Miss Bliss" and a coat of Finger Paints "Sparkle Top Coat" on the rest to finish these super plain palette cleanser nails for me :)

Low Maintenance on it's own, super pretty pale pink. 
Here's sweet Tilly chilling out at the flea market yesterday. She was soaking up and loving all the attention all day :) 
In other news, I have a new artsy obsession. It's painting rocks. On our last trip camping up at the bus in the mountains I was sitting at camp and just chilling and I noticed a cool looking rock and thought that it would be cool to paint one for my brother of mountains and paint Potter County, PA "God's Country" on it which is Potter County's slogan. I then thought that I should collect a couple for some other Potter County friends to paint and gift them. I brought four home that trip to paint. I kept one for me, gave one to my brother, one to our mailman at work who has a camp up there and the other one I am giving to our neighbor next trip up in October. I am going to collect a bunch more that trip and make them for all of our neighbors up there. Here is the first two I made. I had a pic of all four together but deleted it by accident, oh well. I love the way these turned out and can't wait to make more :)

Then after making those first ones I was hooked and wanted to start painting more to gift to friends and to hide them around my city neighborhood and other places. Painting rocks is so much fun and I am completely hooked on it. Hope you enjoy all my artwork rocks I'm showing you below :) 

The ones below I've made for family and friends so far. This one was for my friend Danielle who's a crazy chicken lady. 
  This was for my friends Jolene and Chris who lost their dog Angel recently.
 For my friend Nancy of her puppers Stevie.
 For my friend Leslie to put at her beach home.
 This was for my sister Tina for her horse that she lost last year.
This was for Chris and Amy who own The Feed Store that I get my animal supplies at and is my very favorite small business in the area. It's even got their resident feed store kitties, Boots and Almond on it :) 
This one is for my niece Megan. 
The Lab Love one I gave to my Mom and the blue cat one I gifted to another friend. I kept the black cat love and Dusty Bucks one of my horse.
 Here's ones I made that I kept for myself.

Made this one for my Dad's last cat that died recently for his grave marker.
Made these three, one I kept and one went to my friend Sarah and the other to my sister Tina.
These I made to gift at a flea market my Mom's church had yesterday. They were a hit and people loved being gifted these.
Here's some Fall ones I've made so far that I am going to be hiding around two fall festivals we are going to in October.

All of the ones below I've either already hidden or will be hiding in different areas soon.

Here's a few my sister, Tina,  did :)

Here are two super cute ones that my friend Brooke "hid" in my back door for me. I had told her I loved them when she posted pics of them and so they came to me. I love them so much. Keeping both of these for sure :)

Here is the place at the river by us that I've been going to collect rocks. Hunting for the rocks is almost as much fun as painting them :)
Here's one pail of awesome rocks I got on this particular trip. I've gotten about 3 pails now since I started this rock painting obsession! The hard part is cleaning and scrubbing them all when I get them home, lol.

In the future I'll share more rocks I do on here too :) That's all for today. I hope you enjoyed my palette cleanser nails and all the rocks. Have a great rest of Sunday and great week. I plan on being lazy the rest of the day and chilling. I'm tired after yesterday and today doing stuff! I'm getting old! I leave you with Gypsy, Miss Betty and Mr. Kitty being lazy sleepy kitties, what cats do best, ha ha :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?