Sunday, December 1, 2019

Holy Huntin' Holiday

Happy Sunday Friends,

It's rainy and cold here today, blah... I am ready for Spring already, lol. I hate Winter and the cold, boo. Oh well! Only 4 more months of this, ha...blah! Yesterday I went to the dog school that my mom belongs to for a puppy graduation. A few weeks back I had gone with her and met the sweetest lady with a Corgi puppy that I fell so in love with. If I were to get a dog I would totally get a Corgi and would be one of those people that dressed it up all the time ha ha, but, alas I live in the city in an apartment with 6 cats so no dogs for me at this point in my life anyways. So, I do go with Mom sometimes and yesterday was really fun. I got to do a running game with Tanner the Corgi since his mom Barb had her knee replaced and getting to participate with him was really a lot of fun :) I had also made Barb a Corgi painted rock and she loved it, said it was really special to her so that was really nice too.

Then after that my cousins came to visit with their kids and that was nice hanging out with them and I got to hang out with the animals so it was a good day :)

Yesterday also started deer hunting season in Pennsylvania and I grew up in a very hunting oriented family so this was and is still a pretty big deal with a lot of people in my family and friends. Many years ago my good friend Niki and I dubbed it the "Holy Huntin' Holiday" and it's stuck with us as a nickname for it ever since, ha. Casey, my boyfriend shot a nice big 8 point buck at 6:57 AM that morning so he did really good for opening day. Deer season goes for two weeks yet. My dad was a big hunting guy and so for this year again my huntin' nails are dedicated to my Dad and for all the hunters in my life out being mighty hunters the next couple of week. I don't like much game meat but I do like deer meat and look forward to having some fresh meat for dinner tonight.

I did a base of China Glaze "Westside Warrior".  then sponged China Glaze "Give Me 'Smore" and Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Bare It All" on my nails to stamp and stamped using a black no name pumpkin bottle polish that stamps really well with Clear Jelly Stamper "Adventure Begins" plate and Winstonia "Hunters Life" plate for the camo nails. I stamped the deer using China Glaze "Poetic" with Born Pretty Store "BP-35" plate. The glitter on my pinkies and index nails is China Glaze "Something's Brewing". I love how the camo turned out on these.

Westside Warrior on it's own. This is a pretty shade of green I think.
Here's a pic of the deer Casey got and Casey, it was a big deer.
Here is Tanner the sweet sweet Corgi. Isn't he just the cutest thing?

Me and Tanner :)
Here is the rock I painted for Barb. I think it's adorable. I had such a hard time with the head though but think it turned out good in the end :)
Here is my baby cousin Cora and me :) She's so cute.
Here's the new cat that my Mom and sister Tina adopted a couple weeks ago that desperately needed a home. He's so awesome and so sweet. We named him Scoot Too since he reminds us so much of our old Scoot cat we had :) I plan on doing nails for Scoot Too soon!
Here's is mom's dog Duke in the holiday spirit :)
Here I am spoiling my horse Dusty Bucks with treats. I love this horse so much!
That's it for today, have a great rest of the weekend. I leave you with Miss Betty, Mr. Kitty and King Dino all doing what cats do best....sleeping, ha ha :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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