Monday, September 28, 2020

Happy 6th Birthday Melly's Musings :)

Happy Monday My Loves, 

Today my blog is SIX years old, wow! I've been doing this for quite a bit now. I am not going to stop posting anytime soon. I know that blogs are not the most popular things in the world any longer with other forms of social media for posting but I will continue my blog as I like to have all my nails and art in one spot and easy to find if I want to go back to look at past manis I've done. For me it's also a nice place to share some of my life. So, Melly's Musings is not going anywhere and if you do read my blog or just look at my nail pictures thank you so much for taking the time to check out my little tiny corner of the interwebs. It means a lot to me my dear readers :) 

I also really enjoy seeing all the different views in countries the world over. I like to think that I am inspiring people all over with some nail ideas. So, to celebrate today I have some reverse stamped nails. I think these turned out super cute and I am so into reverse stamping lately now that I can do it pretty well :) Hope you enjoy these nails also. 

My base is Essie "Throw In the Towel". I then sponged Essie "Feeling Wellies" and Essie "Can Dew Attitude" on the nails to stamp. I stamped the outlines with Colour Alike "Shadow Grey" using B Loves Polish B.00 Rainbows and Unicorns plate and Maniology M116 plate. I then reversed stamped using all sorts of polishes to color the balloon and cupcake images, then transferred them to my nails. I put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and on my pinkies and thumbs is a coat of Cupcake Polish "Let's Get Crazy". I did mess up the image on my left hand for the Happy Birthday but didn't realize until after I was done that the whole image did not pick up, oh well! But I do love the way the balloons and cupcakes came out. 

                               Throw In the Towel on it's own, love this shade, so pretty I think 

That's it for today, Have a great week and I'll talk to you all soon. I leave you with me as the Covid cat that shredded the last roll of toilet paper that I wore to a horse show I went to yesterday to help out at. It was the last show of the year and the theme was 2020 for the costume class that they had for the horses and their riders. There were so many good costumes people came up with. I will post more pics from the horse show in my next blog post. Today was a long day at work and I am still tired from being at the show all day yesterday so next post it is :) I think this was such a cute fun costume that I came up with for the theme :) 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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