Monday, September 7, 2020

Out Of This World Galaxy

Happy Labor Day (if you celebrate and are in the U.S.A.),

Hope you are well and life is good. Today is a holiday so I am off work today and being very lazy today. I had a busy weekend. Saturday Casey and I went to his nephew's wedding that was rescheduled from back in May due to Covid. It was nice, very small and informal and nice. Then yesterday I went to horse show all day. Saw lots of old horse friends and helped man the gate opening it and closing it for riders and horses to enter/exit. It was great. It had been a really long time since I went to a horse show so it was super nice being at one. I grew up showing horses and showed regularly into my early 30's (I'm 48 now, gah). I miss being at shows and around horse people. I am going to be helping out at a show on September 27th and next year I will be volunteering for the gate at their shows. I can't wait. It's going to be fun :) My aunt used to always man the gate when she was alive and she would be so happy knowing I am going to be doing it now too! 

Today's nails I did this past week and just was too lazy to do a post on. I think these turned out super cute and love the holo galaxy. Hope you like them too :) 

My base is Holo Taco "Blue Freeze" (just got this entire holo collection and oh so pretty and so HOLO :)). I sponged on Color Club "Miss Bliss", Color Club "Eternal Beauty", Color Club "Over the Moon" and Maniology "Thriller" onto the nails to be stamped. I stamped using Maniology "Luna" with Nicole Diary 062 and MDU Space 1 plates. I then put one coat of Icing "Frost Yourself" on my pinkies and index nails to finish these out of this world mani :) 

Blue Freeze on it's own, such a pretty polish! 

Here's my old horse friend Jimmy and me. I was helping him with the gate while we chatted and caught up. It was nice. 

An old sign in the horse show office, LOVE this! 
Here's my good old horse friend Caitlyn and her daughter and pony. They did really well at the show and she is just the cutest kid :) 
Caitlyn's Corgi :) :) :) 

The sign and area where people get their pics taken with their winning ribbons!
Some random shots of the show are below. 

That's all for today. Have a great day and I'll talk to you later this week when I post the nails I did this morning. 

Polish & Purrs, 


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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