Thursday, November 26, 2020

Gobble Till You Wobble

Happy Happy Happy Turkey Day!!!! 

Hello my loves. I hope that today finds you healthy and safe. Today in the U.S.A. it's Thanksgiving Day. Normally we would be spending it with family but this year we are trying to do our part in curbing the spread of Covid by staying home. Casey is making turkey dinner at home today so it will be a day of being home and hanging out with the kitties and bunnies (our kids :) ). 

Even in this year of weird I have very much to be thankful for. I have my health, my mom and family, Casey, a job that is pretty secure, a roof over my head, my horse, our bunnies, our cats and our amazing friends (whom I miss dearly, sniffle, sniffle). I also have the little (if insignificant) things to be thankful and grateful for such as nail polish which makes me crazy happy, my books, my paints and rocks. So, in the strange ass times we find ourselves in we should always remember that there is something to be thankful and grateful for no matter how small it may be.  

For today's nails I decided on some cute little reverse stamped turkeys and a super cute and fun phrase. The "gobble till you wobble" makes me giggle each time I look at it. I decided to go away from the traditional fall color scheme because, well, I am a bit tired of those shades right now so pink shades it it. I think these turned out so fun and so cute. Hope you enjoy them too! 

My base is OPI "Suzi Shops & Island Hops". I stamped using Maniology "Annato Clay", Konad "Black" polishes and MoYou London "Fall In Love 11" plate. I used Candy Laquer "Iced Orchid" to draw the accents on the stamped nails. I colored in the images with a bunch of shimmer polishes that I was way too lazy to keep track of :) The glitter on my ring nails is Colores de Carol "Material Girl" and on my thumbs and pinkies is a coat of Maniology "Sugar Speed Dry Top Coat". 

                                  Suzi Shops & Island Hops on it's own, Love this shade of pink. 

That's it for the nails for today. Have a great day with whatever you are doing for the holiday. I had off yesterday thru Monday of this coming week and I am so looking forward to some time off. My hip has been hurting me pretty bad the last several days with the arthritis I have in it so I'll be taking it easy at home for the most part. Getting old sure is not easy, gah. 

Stay safe and healthy. Talk to you soon. I'll be starting my first Christmas nails this week, can't wait :) 

Here's Miss Betty looking too cute, per usual. She is my baby baby girl! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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