Sunday, November 8, 2020

Smudgey Scarecrows

Happy Sunday,

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and life is okay. It's  good my way. Later today I am going to pick up a new pet we are getting. We are adopting a new bunny and I am so excited. I'll have a post all for her around mid week this coming week. 

Today I have some super cute if a little smudged scarecrows I did last night. I failed to float my top coat and hence some smudges. Oh well, I still think these are super cute ❤

My bases are Essie "Heart of the Jungle" (green) and Essie "Feeling Wellies" (yellow). I used nail art brushes, dotting tools, a black striper and a slew of other polishes I'm too lazy to type, lol. 

Heart of the Jungle (green) and Feeling Wellies (yellow) on their own, love these two together.

That's all for today. Have a great rest of the day, talk soon. I leave you with Dino and Mr. Kitty looking too cute😍

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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