Friday, April 30, 2021

Slow Down For Sloths

Happy FriYay my loves, 

It's Friday, yay, yay, yay. It's been a long work week so I am totally looking forward to the weekend! 

Today I have some stamped sloths that I did last night. I think these came out too freaking adorable and I love them so much! Hope you do too :) 

My base is Quixotic Polish "Artic Glow". I sponged Color Club "Kismet" on the nails to stamp. I used Whats Up Nails A015 plate and several different polishes for the images.

Artic Glow on it's own, love this polish, it's so pretty! 

That's it for now. Have a great day, talk to you soon! I leave you with more Princess Pebbles being too silly when she lays on her bed on the back of the couch :) 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Frolicking Fairies

 Happy Caturday!!!

Hello loves. I hope you are well and enjoying your weekend. Mine is okay. Been doing a bit of cleaning, did my nails, now I am catching up on some TV shows and hanging with Miss Betty. 

Today's nails are some super cute fairies and mushrooms from plates I just recently got in the Maniology April Mani X Me box. I love these plates and think these turned out so cute ❤

My bases are Holo Taco "Mint Mojito" (thumb & pinkies) and Polish Me Silly "Twilight Glow" (index, middle & ring). I stamped using Maniology MXM053 and MXM054 plates with so many different polishes I failed to keep track of 😛. I drew the grass with a nail art brush and a China Glaze polish I didn't bother to look at the name either.

Mint Mojito and Twilight Glow on their own. Loved these together for the base for these nails. I think it looks ethereal just like fairies.

Have a great rest of the weekend. Talk to you later. I leave you with Princess Pebbles looking so pretty as usual 😍

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Happy Earth Day 2021

Happy Earth Day Loves, 

Today is a quick post. I am doing this before work. Today is Earth Day. I think that we all should respect, care and love our dear planet as best we can. I try to do my part in helping through recycling, not using plastic bags, trying to reuse things I can and so on. 

Today's nails I am not the biggest fan of. I was having a super difficult time stamping. The images did not want to pick up with different stampers and/or different polishes (I think due to the colder temperatures we are having, the polish just was not happy in the cooler apartment since we did not have our heat on). I also do not like the flakies on this green. In my head they looked so much better. Oh well, there is always next year :) 

My base is Polish Me Silly "Dreamer". I stamped using Creative Shop 80 and Mundo de Unas MDU Earth Day 1 plates and Hit the Bottle "Artic Cloudberry". I put one coat pf ILNP "Compass" on my pinkies and thumbs.

Daydreamer on it's own. Although I dislike the end manicure today, I do think this is a great green/blue shift polish for today! 

Have a great Earth Day! I leave you with an older picture of Miss Betty I found from a couple years ago that is just too cute and too perfect for Earth Day. She is just the cutest kitty in the whole entire world :) 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, April 19, 2021

Birthday Nails (the start of the last year of my 40's, Yikes!!!!)

Happy Monday my loves 😊

Today is my 49th birthday. I cannot believe that in one year I will be 50, YIKES!!!! Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday that I was a kid, in my 20's and 30's. Time sure does fly! 

I am working today but did just have a four day weekend. I didn't do a whole lot other than some cleaning, my nails twice, binging some Netflix and YouTube, hanging with the cats, the bunny and Casey. My sister came over Saturday night like usual and that was it for my b-day weekend and I am so okay with that. Birthdays are not a huge deal for me, it's just another day and another year older, lol.

I did two manis for my birthday this year, one Aries themed and the other cake/cupcake themed. I sure will never say no to cake!! I think the cake and cupcake nails came out adorable. I like the Aries ones but was not in love with them. 

Anyways, onto the nails. My bases are Enchanted Polish "Darth" (thumb, index & pinkies) and ILNP "Cityscape" (middle & ring). I stamped using Clear Jelly Stamper 034 polish with Maniology MXM046 plate.

Darth and Cityscape on their own, love Cityscape, it's pretty!

My bases are ILNP "Bluebird" (thumb, index & pinkies) and on my middle and ring nails is a base of K.B. Shimmer "Up to Snow Good" with a coat of Color Club "Blue Beaded". I stamped using Uber Chic "Party Time" plate with  Maniology "Jazzercise", "Coconut", "Littlefoot", "Kandi  Spirit", "Tulip Julep" and Noodles Nail Polish "The Unicorn" for the outlines and for coloring in the images. I did not get pics of the polishes by themselves this time.

That's it for today. Have a great day, talk soon. I leave you with Miss Betty snuggling me around 4 AM after she gets me up to ask to go outside to poop. She purrs like crazy and we snuggle fest until it's time to get up. This little lady, she is just my heart. We have such an amazing bond, it's great ❤❤❤

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Chocolate Bunny Nails & My Real Chocolate Bunny :)

Happy Hoppy Easter :) 

Happy Easter Sunday if you celebrate. I am not doing anything today but staying home. I will be going to see my mom mid week this week for lunch of her ham leftovers that she is making today for herself and my sister that lives with her. Normally I go to church with her on Easter and then we go to Casey's family for dinner. Casey is at fishing camp since fishing season opened here yesterday. I'm enjoying my time by myself with the cats and the bunny. Next year I am thinking (hoping) things will be back to normal and I will be going to church then dinner. 

For my last Easter nails of this year I chose to do some chocolate bunny nails in honor of my real live chocolate bunny. I've been saying for years now to Casey that I wanted a real chocolate bunny for our next bunny pet and I got one when Miss Sissie came into our lives back in early November. She totally reminds me of a chocolate bunny and I am so happy she is in my life. I finally got my real chocolate bunny, yay :) 

I love these nails, think they came out so cute and am very proud of them. Hope you like them too! 

My bases are Penelope Luz "Charoite" (thumb, index & pinkies) and I.L.N.P. "Heather" (ring & middle). I did put one coat of Polish Me Silly "Glow Girl" on top of Heather" to give a bit of an Easter grass look with the flakies in this polish. I stamped with Beauty Big Bang XL-103 plate and Twinkled T brown for the outline. I colored to images in with Maniology "Annato Clay". I used a nail art brush and dotting tool to do the ribbons and eyes with Maniology "Monarch Dreams", "Maui Gold" and "Jazzercize" polishes.  

Charoite and Heather on their own. 

Heather with a coat of Glow Girl on top. Love these flakies on top! 

There you have my chocolate bunny nails. So in love with these! Here is Miss Sissie (and my nails) when my upstairs neighbor/friend Sarah helped me with putting a ribbon on her to make her look even more like a chocolate bunny. I think she looks too stinking cute :) She is such a trooper too, she did not care at all about this ribbon being on her. She is such a good rabbit. We love her so much!
Here is Sarah holding the chocolate bunny, she is just the cutest bunny in the world!!! She is so good!
That's if for today, have a great Easter, talk soon! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?