Friday, August 27, 2021

Sweet Strawberries

Happy Friday friends, 

Hello Loves, I hope you are well and good. I am ok. We had more sadness in my family. We had to have my mom's old dog, Tilly, put down last week. So soon after my horse just sucks. Hopefully the sadness is over for a while in my family. It is so hard losing beloved pets, sigh.

Today I have my last Summer nails for this year. I have decided I am done with Summer this year. I have had a great Summer but it has been so hot, humid and muggy and I am just over it. I am so ready for cooler weather. 

Anyways, onto the nails. I decided on some cute strawberries to end my Summer nails. I think these turned out super cute. I am a fan. 

My base is Cupcake Polish Pink Lemonade. I put one coat of Colores de Carol Material Girl on top of my ring and middle nails. I stamped using Lina 4 Seasons Summer 01 with Maniology Optimism and Cherry Bomb.

That's it for today. Have a great weekend, talk soon. I leave you with Miss Betty looking her too cute self. This little one, she is my heart ❤
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Pool Toy Fun

Happy Tuesday Loves, 

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and life is good. It is okay my way. We had more sadness in my family this past Friday. My mom had to have her old dog put down and that was extremely sad and so soon after my horse so it has been hard for us. Saturday I volunteered at a horse show and my mom came over to the show so that was fun. Other than that not much has been going on. 

I can't believe Summer is almost over. This Summer has gone so fast for me. I am actually looking forward to Fall this year. This Summer has been so hot, humid, wet and muggy so I so ready for cooler temperatures and hoodies! 

I have a few more Summer nail looks in mind to do yet for this year. Today I went with some fun pool toy stamping. I am not really much of a pool or water person but if I am in a pool I want to be chilling or floating on a raft. My thing is I hate being wet so water is not for me. That being said I do enjoy being by water just don't want to be in it. I enjoy listening to water and watching it also. I think pool toy rafts are adorable though and I think these came out so cute! 

My bases are ILNP Music Box (thumb, middle & pinkies) and Different Dimension All Of the Stars (index & ring). I stamped using Dixie Plates Summer 02 and Summer 03 plates with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

That's it for today. Have a great night, talk soon.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Delightful Desert Scene

Happy Caturday, 

Hi friends. I hope you are well and life is good. It's okay here. I'm still really sad about the passing of my horse. It feels so empty and surreal at my mom's right now with him gone. It's an oppressive feeling of emptiness, sigh. It will get easier but it is going to take a while for myself, my mom and sister. He was an awesome boy.

Today's mani is from a new plate from my Maniology August subscription box. This month was western themed and I am so in love with the three plates that came in the box. I have a few ideas in mind for these plates in the future. I decided on a desert landscape for my first mani with these plates and I am completely in love with how they came out. 

My bases are Cirque Colors Calypso (thumb & pinkie) and Different Dimension Pink Moon (index, middle & ring). I stamped using Maniology MXM062 plate with all Maniology stamping polishes.

Have a great weekend, talk soon. I leave you today with Miss Betty, the love of my life kitty 💜
She is my baby girl and the cutest ever 💜
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Ants Marching

Hello my friends, 

I hope you are doing well and life is good. It is not so happy my way. This past Wednesday I had to have my 26 year old horse Dusty Bucks put down. He had been having issues lying down and then struggling to get up since early this past Winter due to severe arthritis. My mom, sister and myself knew it was the beginning of the end then. He had a really hard time getting up after being down a week prior to the day he was put down and we knew that the next time he went down after that that he was not going to be able to get up again. It's something horse people just know. So, we made that difficult decision and the vet came and humanely euthanized him.

He went very peacefully. My heart is broken in a billion pieces and I am not okay but I will be. I am so sad and empty inside right now. Losing him ends an era of horse ownership for my family. It is weird and sad. This is the first time in my life that I am not a horse owner. My horse life is not over though as I do have many horse friends and volunteer at horse shows. I am thankful for that. I can't believe my sweet boy is gone, sigh.

I did my nails this morning to distract my brain for a bit and chose to do these super cute ants at a picnic nails. I never thought I would enjoy ants on my nails the way I am these. I think they are adorable 😍

My bases are Polished for Days Impressive Wingspan (ring & pinkies) and Polish Me Silly Ruby Slippers (thumb, index & middle). I stamped using Maniology MXM037 plate with Maniology and Twinkled T stamping polishes. 

That's it. Have a happy Sunday, talk soon. Here is one of the last pictures I took of Dusty about a week and a half prior to him passing. He was a great horse and I miss him so much. This sucks. I will be doing nails for him at some point. I just don't know when. RIP my dear sweet boy ❤
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

I Want My MTV, Video Killed the Radio Star

Happy Tuesday My Loves, 

I hope today finds you safe and well. I am okay. I do have to get a new car, my car did not pass it's yearly inspection, it's rusted out underneath and a slew of other issues which sucks as it only has 118,000 miles on it but it is 18 years old so there is that. I am still driving it until my car guy finds me a car in my price range which may take a few weeks since used cars are currently in high demand. So, at this point I do not know what kind of car I will end up with or when. I am not picky at all when it comes to vehicles and always buy used. I will for sure update when I get one in the future. I am not looking forward to having a car payment though, gah, oh well! 

I do have another horse show this Thursday night that I am volunteering at. This is the last weeknight show of the year and that makes me feel a bit sad. There are still three more shows thru the end of September that I will be helping at also so they are not over for the year yet. 

Tonight's nails are for FORTY years of MTV. Wow, that really makes me feel so old! I was 9 years old when MTV debuted, I grew up with MTV and I remember when MTV actually, gasp.....played videos and had VJ's, ha ha. I loved the old days of MTV. Now days Ridiculousness is the only show on MTV that I watch. The station sure is not what it used to be with programming and that makes me sad, but, what can you do. I watched Real World, The Osbournes, Jackass, MTV Cribs and Pimp My Ride when they were on but my very favorite MTV show of all time will always be Beavis & Butthead. Oh, how I loved that stupid stupid show so much :) I did Beavis & Butthead nails a few months back with images from this same stamping plate. I love this plate being MTV themed and what better time than now to use it again with these super amazing MTV logo images. I love them and think these turned out super cute, hope you do too :) 

My base is Different Dimension Squeeze the Day with one coat of Holo Taco Everything Taco on top of the stamped nails. I stamped using Sugar Bubbles SB 100 plate with all Maniology, Hit the Bottle and Twinkled T stamping polishes.

So, there you have my I feel so old MTV 40 years nails. Let's all take a moment to remember when MTV played music videos and how we waited so impatiently for those world premiere videos to air on MTV of our favorite artists. I remember those days quite well,'s to MTV, the station that once aired music :)

Have a great night, talk soon! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?