Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Scarecrow Watches Over His Corn

Happy Sunday loves, 

Hello my friends. Hope your weekend is going good. Mine is okay. I was going to go to a Fall event and parade with Casey's family yesterday. It was rainy and gross out so I stayed home. Casey still went but my days of doing stuff in the rain for fun are over. I hate being wet. I don't have fun and get cranky so home I stayed.

It was a farm themed event so the nails I have today are the ones I was planning had I gone. They are fun and I think they turned out great. Love, love this green holo, it's pretty!

My bases are Holo Taco Full Charge (holo) and Cirque Colors Pistachio (speckled). I stamped using Dixie Autumn 02 and Uber Chic Mini Give Thanks plates and Maniology stamping polishes. 

That's all for today. Have a great Sunday, talk soon. I leave you with Charlie in a box lid way too small for him that he just loves 🤩
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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